Howling:Doctor losing his touch?

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The Doctor brushed off the coincidental references to Amy's past because he was busy. He ignored the fact that Rory can't be there and sent him up to Amy without giving it a second thought. With how serious a situation this was and how much things have already been related to Amy, shouldn't the Doctor have been paying more attention to references to Amy?

He took Amy with him because he thought the house was too large for just her and her aunt. In Flesh and Stone, he realized that 26 06 2010 was important and was Amy's time. Too much focus on Amy for him to practically ignore everything related to her in The Pandorica Opens. V00D00M0NKY 07:23, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

In Vincent and the Doctor, the Doctor calls himself stupid and says that he is getting old. And as you said, it does seem like the Doctor is missing out on more things that most viewers have picked up on.

It could just be something by the Moff to remind us that even though he looks younger, he is getting older, and nothing really to do with the plot. Halftimelord 08:46, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Or his perceptions are faulty. Something is deliberatly blinding his to the 'bleedin obvious'. It might be something he has done (will do?) to himself. He might be just being portrayed as a bit scatty so that the final cunning plan is all the more amazing. Jack Chilli 08:51, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, the more airheaded he acts, the better chance he has of catching someone off guard. After all, all his best enemies already know: 'Never let me talk!' Agonaga 15:25, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

It just seems to me that, if a future doctor is at work, he allowed himself to be put in the box. In fact he made pretty sure of it. Why would this future doc allow (or even risk) the complete destruction of the universe unless it was absolutly neccesary? He _needed_ to go into the box so he had to ensure that he would not suspect the trap to make it convincing. A plan so cunning he couldn't even tell himself so he had to mess with his own perceptions. Jack Chilli 12:00, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

Eventhough i find that a future doctor is a very good theory, i doubt he has anything to do with this doctor's perceptions. I"m afraid it's just a plot weakness. He didnt go directly to 26/6 just bcoz he had 12 episodes to fill before doing it! It's just like in "The Lodger", he knew someone was upstairs killing people, but instead of directly going up he spent the whole episode acting like a human.. I know he told Amy he cant go up and risk being killed bcoz she'll get lost, but at the end he DID go up there without knowing what's waiting for him, so he did risk her.. Also, seeing the date 26/6/2010 in FaS and knowing that the cracks have something to do with Amy, and instead of trying to figure it out he took her and Rory to Venice and supposedly Rio! I hope you guys are right about someone messing with his perception, but i doubt it will be the case.

He hoped that by 'fixing' Amy and Rory's relationship, it would fix whatever the problem that would start on their wedding day was. 12:28, June 22, 2010 (UTC)

One more thing, as i said i totally believe that another doctor is involved, and this is because of the recurring appearences of the previous incarnations throughout the series. I dont think it's just a nod to the show. Also, in "The Lodger", the hologram of the guy upstairs has the same hair of the same doctor.. they wanted us to pay attention to this, otherwise they could've showed us his face since he's just a projection and not the real builder of the Tardis. Probably the series will end up by restoring the 13 generations that the doctor has just so the show can go longer :) 15:19, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

I find it hard to accept that the Doctor would build a tardis-like time machine and design a mechanism that lured people in to their deaths. He has been missing things, too many for poor scripting. Some are red herrings and some are important. All we need to do is sort out the wheat from the chaff. Or wait. Jack Chilli 15:26, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

I'm now convinced that he had a reason to not go directly to 26/6/2010. Not so much why he didn't go after FaS but after CB he has reason to believe the TARDIS would explode and the cracks started with an explosion on that date. So why risk going to that date at all? He told River to go anywhere but that time period. After CB he had that same reason to not go to that time period. Why he didn't try going there between FaS and CB I do not have an answer for though.
Also, after watching it again, it seems to make less sense as to how he could have disregarded those things. "Never ignore a coincidence, unless you are busy." and he seemed to not believe in miracles then said and accepted that Rory being there was a miracle. V00D00M0NKY 07:41, June 22, 2010 (UTC)
That line sounded like one of the Doctor's usual "distract the others by being eccentric" deals he tends to do when he doesn't want to share his ideas with others, which he doesn't like to do until he gets those ideas fully worked out in his head. I think this is 11's largest carryover personality trait from 10. Usually it's to make himself look and feel smart when he finally spouts it all out, but sometimes to protect the companions. At any rate, I thought it was pretty clear he knew there was significance to the wedding date. He called it the "most important thing in the universe" to get Amy off her momentary crush on him and brought Rory along for that specific reason. I wasn't clear on why he thought that so early in the series, but he placed a pretty serious emphasis on that line. As far as going to that date before he knew the cosmic importance behind it, I don't think he would want to go there anyway until Amy and Rory were ready to leave him and actually get married. BrainySpecs 07:55, June 22, 2010 (UTC)