Howling:Doctor who villains wimps

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All of these villains are in the season finale. Dont get me wrong I think its time we build up a new villain, and I don't mind making the well known villains vulnerable to this new force. In fact I love stories like that because when they are vulnerable they often go to greater extremes like stealing the only cure for a lethal virus in death to the daleks or gun down their own leader like Evolution of the Daleks. But what I really don't want is more big villains pussified. Though I did like Masters of War I still don't like friendly Daleks, I personally thought Jubilee and the story it was adapted into Dalek were the worst stories ever made because in those stories they weren't made weak their characters changed. At least in Masters of War they were meant to be special wierd Daleks and it was set ina an alternate universe and at least though it did kinda pussify the daleks davros was still really really evil. In Jubilee however we had a Dalek locked in a cage for 100 years and it still couldn't get free, I can't believe some people have said that mstory made them more menacing than ever. No it didn't in Power we only had two daleks who were able to manipulate two opposing factions, in victory they were able to manipulate one of the greatest military minds ever and their mortal enemy [whose pretty brainy too] I suppose in jubilee they knew who they were but still all they and van statten [who didn't know what it was] wanted was for it to talk, and it still couldn't manipulate them, it just stood there like a tube for 100 years and 60 years in Dalek. kinda getting off point, but one of the reasons I prefer Masters of war to either Jubilee or Dalek was because it had a better story Jubilee's story was utter crap all complicated ridiculous at times just nasty for the sake of it rubbish. While Dalek had no story it was just Dalek goes mad shoots people base under siege stuff. If it had been a Troughton era story everyone would have slagged it, in fact it was just the scene from remeberance of the daleks stretched out to 45 minutes, proving the new doc is more useless than the old one [chris eccelston couldn't do what sylvester Mccoy could do in two minutes] Getting back to my point while it will be cool to see all of these enemies in the finale scared of what is in the Pandorica or even helping the doctor stop whatever is in there, that is if that is what they are doing. Then I hope this dosen't start up a trend where we start seeing the Daleks and other enemies in a different light. I can see how Moffat after the likes of journey's end might want to do that, but it would be a huge mistake. I really don't want to see more stories where people are being cruel to Daleks. Alot of people I know personally are not scared of Daleks because they think they look silly or cute. My sister always goes on about how cute they are. Stories where you have little sad lonely Daleks especially now that these Daleks are all brightly coloured will just reinforce that idea and make them more cuddly. Please Moffat don't do another sad lonely Dalek or persucuted victim Dalek story. When you do that you get crap like Jubilee and Dalek, and when you do evil scheming Daleks you get classics like Power and Genesis of the Daleks. Compare "we will emerge and take our rightful place as the supreme beings of the univeeeeeerrrrrseee" at the end of genesis to " I am alone, I cant kill you rose because of some mad stupid techno babble shite" and you will see which is the better take on the Daleks. I can't believe so many people were pleased that it was robert shearman who was writing for the Daleks in the new series when I heard that i was like "noooooooooo a whole generation will think the daleks are big wimps" luckily stories after this rectified the situation but still while I don't mind the Daleks or those other big bads being helpless in this finale, I actually quite like that idea like I loved Death to the Daleks, but I just don't want their characters changed I want them to still be ruthless. Put it this way while I dont think he would be entirely happy with whats been done with the Daleks in modern doctor who stories, and I include Masters of War in that, I think that Terry Nation would have punched Robert Shearmans lights out if you played him even a single episode of Jubilee. Let me know what you think do you think this will be the beginning of making them more helpless and pussified or do you think we will still get ruthless Daleks and Cybermen. Winehousefan, 17:30, June 14, 2010 [UTC