Howling:How many Regenerations are left?

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In the episode two of season nine, The Twelfth Doctor has regeneration energy stolen from him. The question is, how Much does he still have? Does this change the number of Regenerations he has left?

Sign your posts! Anyway, it was made quite clear that The Doctor has no idea how many regenerations he was given by the Time Lords. What was the line? Something about maybe living forever, who knows? Something like that. Anyway, I think it's kind of pointless to speculate on remaining regenerative energy at this point. Maybe We'll find out more once The Doctor returns to Gallifrey. to me 22:24, October 2, 2015 (UTC)

I think the writers purposefully made it ambiguous, so they don't have to write around him running out again. --Commander Awesome (AKA TheCrazyWeirdo) (Talk - Contribs) 01:29, October 8, 2015 (UTC)

I'm of the opinion that the Time Lords granted him a normal regeneration cycle, which allows for twelve regenerations. He's already regenerated once so he has eleven left over. 12 + 11 = 23. MystExplorer 15:10, October 8, 2015 (UTC) It depends on wich veiwe of the 13th regeneration you believe if you follow the theroy that one view is that time lords have a limited amount of reg energy then it can be sead that a new cycle was given and there's 11 or less regenerations left the other view is that the 13th regeneration if faulty and dose not result in a new incarnation then it can be argued that there is now an infinite number there's evidence for both to me 11:49, April 24, 2016 (UTC)

At this point it is left ambiguous. It's been confirmed that Rassilon doesn't know how many were given to him. So if he doesn't know, it certain the other time lords don't know as well. As it was said above, The Doctor not knowing allows for the show to go on without being held down by some timer, such as the regeneration limit. It could be decades (our world's timeline) before The Doctor reaches the end of his second regeneration cycle. --0551E80Y 12:52, July 28, 2016 (UTC)