Howling:Is the sonic cane really that useful?

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The sonic cane seen in lets kill hitler. Would it really be useful as the doctors replacement instead of the screwdriver. It is very bulky and would be difficult to use in tight spaces. If the doctor was captured, the cane would be instantly confiscated whereas the screwdriver could remain hidden. That said, it would probably only be inconspicuous in the hands of first doctor or a doctor who wore similar clothing to the 11th doctor in that scene such as a top hat and tuxedo. Someone like the ninth or fourth doctors for an example wouldn't be able to pull one off without looking odd(well odder than usual)I like the idea but it just wouldn't be very practical. --Coop3 20:35, July 1, 2013 (UTC)

Like any tool, I think it ultimately comes does to whatever works best in a given situation. Although as you said, the First Doctor (and maybe the Seventh) could probably have passed it off as a regular cane if they had wanted to disguise it, but there would still be situations in which the screwdriver would be more useful (because it is much more compact). Personally, I always wondered about a similar thing with regards as to why the Sixth and Seventh Doctors tended to carry around an umbrella; to me, it seems like it would just get in the way more often than not. Ensephylon 23:06, July 1, 2013 (UTC)
It is my theory that the Doctor finished constructing the sonic cane potentially from scratch immediately before he walked out through the TARDIS doors, probably only choosing to make his in-the-moment replacement sonic device a cane instead of just another screwdriver to go along with his fancy outfit, which if I remember correctly he only chose because he wanted to look good when he died. —BioniclesaurKing4t2 - "Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically, . . . run." 02:52, July 2, 2013 (UTC)