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me and my friend thought that in TEH that the second flight on amys stairs that no one noticed maybe the whatever is exploding the tardis(poor river:( )is hiding in thier taking her memories and informed the aliance what to do any thoughts on this

Well for starters i dont think that the person/thing who's exploding the tardis has anything to do with the alliance. He knows about them and what they are planning to do, and maybe wants it to happen as a part of his plan, but he's not a part of the alliance. He's something bigger and stronger.. "Silence will fall" it's his voice..

As for being up the mysterious stairs, it is very likely. I think he was also the one building the tardis upstaris in "The Lodger". 15:48, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

good point i agree with the building the tardis part it seems very likely

I don't get why you'd build a TARDIS on top of a house in the middle of a city. That's got to be the most inconvenient place you could think of. It must have been working when it was landed and abandoned there and it's pilot lost. Jack Chilli 15:54, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

It is convenient to build it in the middle of a city if you want to drag poeple from the street and use them while building it ;) but your theory is also possible. So it must be another time lord's tardis. But in that case i think the one who found it or trying to rebuild it or whatever has something to do with exploding the doctor's tardis. And i doubt it's the same time lord to whom the new tardis belongs. 15:59, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

maybe that thing on the roof is irrelavent and just another enemy, The lodger did seem like a pointless episode, the characters didnt appear again and the only important things was the crack and amys ring. maybe the point of the lodger episode was to introduce the concept of there being stairs that shouldnt exist, and other floors. thats why this series has been full of perception filters and, 'theres something im missing' because there is right from the start, 1 big perception filter in amys house, with the big bad inside of it 16:07, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

I originally went for the not connected idea and am still of the opinion that the pseudoTARDIS here was not central to the overall plot. I'ts not time lord technology; just a pooly implemented copy. The holgram says that it has crashed so it does not sound as if it was placed there on purpose. However, if the stars don't go into a TARDIS where do they go? To the 'real' world. In what sense is Any's house, Amy's life and "Amy's Time" a fairytale/fantasy/construct/matrix/fiction. When you saw a sinister crack in your wall did it scare you? Did you imagine there were monsters inside it? Jack Chilli 16:14, June 21, 2010 (UTC)