Howling:More Digital Spy spoilers, from Nick Briggs interview

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A day late, but nobody's mentioned it. The interview is available here: [1]

Nothing hugely spoilery (although half the commenters were pissed off anyway, despite the big spoiler warning), so I don't think any rumours have to be added to any articles, but just in case, here are the key points:

  • Daleks and Cybermen are in scenes together in the finale. More "pest control"? :)
  • "I mean, the energy of Steven Moffat's writing is amazing. There are masses of really cool, exciting information that fly at you, and then suddenly, it's like someone has diverted light with a mirror and it moves in the opposite direction. Imagine a Russell T Davies-style, action-packed adventure but written by Steven Moffat. You know what I mean? So it's not only dramatically frenetic, but it's intellectually frenetic, and idea frenetic."
  • No Daleks, Cybermen, or other Briggs aliens in SJA.
  • At least one of the adventure games probably has no Daleks or Cybermen. (Pretty obvious anyway.) --Falcotron 10:12, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

Plus, Lis Sladen may appear with Tom Baker in a BF audio drama. Cool! Though I thought they were going to do it with Louise Jameson...maybe there's going to be more than one.

There's not really a direct confirmation of the Daleks appearing in the finale, so no, I suppose there's no need to add these rumors. No harm in hanging onto them until more evidence comes along, though.

Bluebox444 13:53, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

I took this part to be a pretty clear indication that he has recorded new Daleks and Cybermen together for _something_ post-Canary-Wharf, although I suppose it's possible that it's one of the Adventure Games or even a Big Finish production, rather than the finale:

Well I can talk about this from previous experience, because there were Daleks and Cybermen in a story a long time ago, and what I did then was to alter the settings. However, the new Dalek settings are quite radically different, and even though the effects don't sound hugely different, it's actually quite a stretch altering the dials. So were I to be doing Daleks and Cybermen at the same time, it would be a bit of a stretch. I imagine a good solution, that I might employ in such a situation, would to be have two ring modulators next to each other so I can just switch between the two!

Yes, it's all said as "hypothetically, this is what I might do, and it would work very well if I did that, but I'm not saying I actually did that", but that's clearly just him pretending to be coy, and it's the tone of the whole interview.

At least it seems more definite than the Tom Baker BF, which sounded more like him just expressing something he's hoping for.

But anyway, you're right, there's nothing really definite enough to add to the rumours, given that there are already rumours aplenty of Daleks in the finale, and until we get some confirmation, more hints don't really mean much. --Falcotron 14:15, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

Agreed, and Nick Briggs is shown on the Internet Movie Database as in ep 13 but as he voices Daleks and Cybermen and Judoon etc, that's not really any help either 06:26, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

If Tom Baker wanted to do a Big Finish audio, then they'd be pretty stupid to say no, seeing as countless people would buy it. TemporalSpleen 17:48, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, they've been asking him every few years since they started, but, at least so far, he's always said no. However, he apparently originally rejected them because he was sick of being referred to as "former Doctor Who actor Tom Baker," and nowadays he's "British character actor Tom Baker, most famous for Doctor Who and Little Britain" and has more commercial gigs than he knows what to do with, so... who knows? --Falcotron 04:12, May 3, 2010 (UTC)