Howling:My guess as to who River kills and the Doctor's death...

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I was thinking, well, in "A Good Man Goes to War", River returns to prison after she was with the Doctor. Therefore, the Doctor is not dead, and from the dialogue between Rory and River we can assume it could even be a future incarnation. But she was raised in the Gamma Forest to be a weapon against the Doctor, so that could still mean she was in the astronaut suit and her future self informed the Doctor of this event so he could prevent his own death, maybe with a Ganger.

I know Rory is another possibility, but from a writing standpoint this makes no sense because Amy's character has developed and matured since Rory entered the scene; killing him would ruin everything.

I also think River has a lot more up her sleeve. What if she's just acting so he can trust her? (I don't want to believe this because I like River as a character and don't want to see her turn evil, but you never know). And what does the Silence have to do with all this? How much of this are they behind?

Thoughts? Glimmer721 22:49, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

River probably wasn't raised in the Gamma Forest, but chose the Gamma translation of her name later in life. It was implied that the Church was taking her to Earth to raise her in the proper environment. It is possible that the Doctor suggested that she go by River Song, because he already knew that that is what she would go by. The fact that River was with the Doctor just before A Good Man Goes to War proves nothing. If you had paid any attention to any River episode, you would know that River does not meet the Doctor in a linear order. She could kill him one week, and then go ice skating with him the nexxt. From a writing standpoint it is possible to kill Rory if they wanted to, as the final chapter of Amy's character arc. Of course, they've killed Rory so many times that nobody will really care if they kill him again. My theory is that the Silence want the Doctor dead for some reason, so they used post-hypnotic suggestion to persuade the Church to create Melody, and then kidnapped her when the Church brought her to 60s America. Icecreamdif 06:17, July 6, 2011 (UTC)