Howling:Mysterious woman from the Day of the Moon! Unanswered!

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I've noticed alot of people discussing the obvious choices to discuss such as the little girls regeneration etc. But after recently re-watching it I remembered a character who was just as mysterious as the rest of them. When amy is in the orphanage she go's to enter the the childs bedroom (locked room) and "The Eye Patch Lady" appears and says "No she's justs dreaming". My question is who do you think she is? and will she play a bigger part/her purpose be revealed? or could she just simply be an illusion of the little girl or silence. -- Michael Downey 00:32, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

According to the Doctor Who site, she is "a mysterious figure we will see again soon," so presumably she is more than a simple illusion. Neither the little girl or the Silence have been shown to have the ability to create illusions, but the hatch on the door dissapeared, suggesting the woman wasn't actually there.Icecreamdif 03:20, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

I've been looking on a couple of websites and apparenetly she will appear in episode 7 with a big part. She is also supposedly called Madame Kovarian. The question now is what part will she play? -- Michael Downey 11:53, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

I thought this was such a good episode!! I know there were some downsides but overall I think it was awesome and it's just made me want to watch so much more!! This blog some interesting theories! It says that River could be Amy's daughter!! It's quite interesting! lol.


I was reading somewhere on the net today that she is confirmed to be in the Curse of the Black Spot. --Revan\Talk 16:32, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

I think eye patch lady is like a nanny of sorts to the girl or Amy's child (although I think they're the same person).