Howling:Not 11's Tardis

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Please accept my apologies if this has already been discussed ad nauseum, but I was wondering about the different appearance of the Tardis that caught River Song as she escaped from The Byzantium in 'The Time of Angels'.

A close look at the front of The Tardis shows that it doesn't bear the St John emblem that was restored after 10's Tardis regenerated into the current version. Was this just a production error or could it possibly be part of the plot that will be explained during the finale of series 5? ChrisL 13:53, June 10, 2010 (UTC)

Is there a picture of this event; I honestly don't remember it happening at all. Jack Chilli 13:57, June 10, 2010 (UTC)

Actually a very close look reveals that there is a badge there. Definitely not a production error, but rather the production team rightly paying attention to the detail that a white detail from that distance in space wouldn't be as visible as under downlighting or forward lighting. The angle of the TARDIS and the camera pretty much dictates it wouldn't be as visible as normal. But you can definitely see that there's something in the space where the badge is, particularly in HD. CzechOut | 14:05, June 10, 2010 (UTC)
Hmm, I've looked again... very closely... and I still can't see the St John badge. I'm not saying it isn't there, merely that I can't see it - perhaps I should have gone to specsavers! :-)ChrisL 14:09, June 10, 2010 (UTC)
Wouldn't it be evil if the BBC showed two slightly differnet versions in different regions. Jack Chilli