Howling:Oh, Amelia Pond what have you done that is so terrible that you have undone the World?

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Poor young Amelia.

Just how troubled is she?

What did she do to her parents?

Did she make a prison for herself in that house that is too big and sad for a child alone?

Can she ever forgive herself?

Almost random speculation of course but Moffat has a theme of imprisoned children, loss, regret and recovery. I probaly shouldn't of seen the picture of the house on fire on the wall next to the 'Angel'. Jack Chilli

And her wedding? What destroyed her happy ever after? Didn't you deserve it?

I probaly shouldn't of seen the picture of the house on fire on the wall next to the 'Angel - I have no idea what you are talking about, but it triggers my memory of something that Amelia says to 11th when the Tardis' engines were phasing in TEH.

"Back in five minutes."

"People always say that."

If the little one drew a house fire, then she may have lost her parents to one, with at least one rescuing her, and going back in to save someone else. "Don't worry, I will be back in five minutes. Just five minutes." Torchwood Five 21:14, June 22, 2010 (UTC)