Howling:Paradox in TW "End of Days"?

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I'm sure I've heard it said somewhere that after the demon Abaddon broke out of the Rift and rampaged across Cardiff, and was eventually killed by Jack Harkness, that event was erased from time. Similar to what happened with Rhys. But after Abaddon disappears and time resets, Jack is still lying dead on the spot where he killed the demon, and Gwen is still nearby. But if Abaddon never got out, how could Jack have died? This sounds like a paradox to me, not entirely dissimilar to what happens with the Time Cracks. Opinions? to me 19:09, March 11, 2012 (UTC)

I suspect it's much the same as the people aboard Valiant remembering "the Year That Never Was" in Last of the Time Lords -- Jack was "at the eye of the storm" (as the Doctor put it in Last of the Time Lords), so he was still affected, even though those further away were restored. Gwen was presumably also close enough to and involved enough in the central events to avoid being "reset". -- to me 04:58, March 12, 2012 (UTC)