Howling:Returning companions in cameo roles

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The Daily Mirror has an article revealing that Rose, Donna and Martha will be returning in cameo roles in Let's Kill Hitler. It also says the Daleks will be making a return this series, as shown in a montage of clips from later in the series shown to a private audience. The Daily Mirror isn't the most reliable source in my opinion, but the chance for the return of some old companions is there. I'll leave the source below:

I also saw Karen revealed a few details about the series aswell. There might be spoilers in this article:

-- 10:33, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

First, please sign your posts.
Anyway, there were rumors a few months ago that there would be artful use of flashback clips from various past companions when a "history monster" (presumably the Teselecta) would try to show how the Doctor screwed up his past, and the companions exonerated him. Maybe they decided to replace those clips with cameos by some of the recent companions. Or maybe the old rumor was bogus, or maybe the new one is, or maybe they're unrelated. Who knows.
As for the other article, most of it is copied and pasted from an earlier published interview with Karen, with a few bits copied and pasted from an even earlier interview, the BBC website, and her bio, but it's written to make it seem like they interviewed Karen themselves, which tells you a bit about the journalism standards at the Daily Mirror… But on the other hand, it means that you can trust what's in that article. If you want more spoilers, there are similar interviews with Matt Smith and Steven Moffat where they give away about as much information as she did—little teasers, but no major revelations. -- 02:53, August 18, 2011 (UTC)
I'm surprised nobody here is taking this totally serious. Moffat has no need, whatsoever, to bring back three companions. Does he need to do that to be given excellent reviews? Furthermore, 1940s Germany: how could they possibly fit into that? Does anybody really think that the three actresses would actually agree to return as a cameo role? After everything their character's have experienced, surely it would be cheap of them to come back again, so that everybody remembers their most recent episode as one where they only cameo, rather than go out an high as The End Of Time? That's like RTD saying 'You know how I brought Rose back for Journey's End and closed her story, well, I'm going to write her in again!' Now it appears even Moffat feels the want to say 'I mean it this time! She's never coming back', only to probably say 'This time I mean it!' in the next season when he does so again.
Can anybody see this really happening?
Gallifrey102 22:02, August 18, 2011 (UTC)
One way to fit it in is obvious, if you read what I posted above. The Teselecta is seeing (and possibly interacting with) the companions in the Doctor's past (and in their past), so they don't have to be in 1940s Germany at all. We already know, from real interviews with Moffat and the actors, and information on the BBC website, what the Teselcta does, so this isn't too implausible. And I can imagine that if they'd originally planned to use artfully-edited flashback clips, but then it turned out that the actors were all available, they might decide to film new cameos instead.
Of course none of that proves that there's anything to this rumor (it's still a rumor from an unreliable source with no real evidence), just that it's by no means impossible or ridiculous.
As for whether it would cheapen the characters, that really depends on how well it's written. Dimensions in Time definitely cheapened all of the past Doctors and companions who appeared in it, but The Five Doctors didn't. -- 02:58, August 19, 2011 (UTC)

Well, technially most of the Davies era companions most recent appearances were as cameos in The End of Time. The onl one who had more than a minute of sceeen time was Donna, and even she didn't have that major a role.Icecreamdif 04:24, August 19, 2011 (UTC)