Howling:Rose - The End of time

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Rose will be coming back, but not from the paralell world! The only other way we'd be seeing Rose again is if The Doctor went back in time, the following theory is very RTD in my opinion; The Doctor is dying slowly, The TARDIS is connected to the Doctor so it feels his pain and decides to ease it by taking him too see Rose, he appears in 2005 (before the ninth doctor has met her) and exits the Tardis and leans against the wall. Rose comes along arguing with her mother - they hug - Rose and Jackie walk off in different directions - Rose sees the doctor and asks if he is alright. The doctor says yes - then he asks what year it is. Rose answers 2005 (it's new years eve by the way). The Doctor says to her that shes going to have a great year - meeting the doctor!). She walks off snd he walks off, and falls to the ground - Where Ood Sigma comes walking up to him. From there i'm doomed coz i dont know what happens. But since the Ood can't travel in time i'm suspecting either the timelords have sent him to warn the doctor of the master, or (if the scene happens at the beggining of the end of time) the master sends him to taunt him. Pics at - brilliant site. So basically Rose is appearing but just a cameo im afraid.

Sounds spot on till Ood Sigma comes along. Could it be that Ood Sigma is connected telepathically with the doctor, or it is just a hallucination from the pain? your theory makes sense as well with all the things going on in the episode. --Geffe71 23:28, October 24, 2009 (UTC)

Ood Sigma has red eyes here, strong possibility that he is being controlled, or being used. Considering the fact that The Doctor is on all fours in pain, maybe The Master is controlling Ood Sigma (using Sigma as if it was his own body) and using his and Sigma's powers to caused The Doctor pain.

How do we know it is Ood Sigma after all most Ood look the same. --Catkind121 13:09, November 2, 2009 (UTC)

What, apart from the Greek symbol on the right side of his top? Saxon 3 13:14, November 2, 2009 ( Maybe the Midnight Entity is controlling Ood Sigma 21:33, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

What is it with midnight entity? No, now No.1 the midinght entity has nothing to do with any of the specials, No.2 The midnight entity is not the trickster or the black guardian, No.3 Drop the midnight entity theory.Saxon 3 15:50, November 4, 2009 (UTC)

why is the Midnight entity's real identity not revealed then? 17:43, November 5, 2009 (UTC)

To create the air of mystery. The midnight entity could have something to do with it - BUT IN THE WAY THE FIRES OF POMPEII AND THE RUNAWAY BRIDE ARE, VERY MINOR. BESIDES THIS PARTICULAR FORUM IS TO DO WITH ROSE - THE END OF TIME NOT THE MIDNIGHT ENTITY. Saxon 3 18:10, November 5, 2009 (UTC)