Howling:Series 5 Was All a .......?

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Seems likely to me that this entire season of the show is going to be reset-button-fodder. Time can be rewritten, and #11 does a thing in the air when he says that which reminds me of how the novels had him "working magic with time" by drawing temporal calculations. Whoever's extremities punch the big red button that should nevereverever be pressed, now seems the time to start asking, what will Series 5 wind up being when the fairy dust settles?

  • Dream being had by Amy or the Doctor?
  • Desperate attempt by the Tardis to get David Tennant back by destroying the universe?
  • Crazy-awesome Xanatos Pileup planned by Rassilon or the Master at the end of TeoT?
  • Season-long introduction for the Dream Lord as a new villain?
  • Exploration of what happens when the Doctor becomes the villain?
  • The work of a villainous writer who can't keep his story consistent and is growing to hate the Doctor? (Nyuk nyuk)
  • Version of history that gets overwritten in ways that make all our favorite clues 'click' in a Whoniverse-consistent manner?
  • Buildup to a big cop-out where Amy becomes the Good Wolf and oh nevermind roll credits?

Agonaga 02:12, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

PS I should clarify that I'm joking or half-joking in some of my suggestions above. I adore The Moff's writing, so anything that might seem to suggest that The Hasslemoff would stoop to the level of one of RTD's finales, is probably definitely just me snicker-elbowing you all about what shite the finales used to wash up as. Agonaga 02:23, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

Well TPO was a massive copout. All the aliens came.....and then the Doctor sent them away! Wow! OR NOT. the twelfth doctor 11:25, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

- The aliens didn't run away, they all "left" because the Doctor was already at the Pandorica. Which is where they wanted him to be. Then they all came back after it opened to put him inside. 13:27, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

The only RTD finale I thought was truly awful was Bad wolf and the Parting of ways. The story for those two was just Daleks attack earth kill everyone doctor is the most useless hero ever ever ever, then at last second rose kills everyone of them because I can't think of a way to get rid of em and the ninth doctor. Other than that one the rest I thought were quite good, the best is probably doomsday because the way he beat them in that one was sooo cool. The idea of them being trapped in the void is a very creative interesting method of defeat not just I am a god who blew you all up. Last of the time Lords has Freema Agyeman thats all I need to say. Journey's end was a good story but the way the daleks were defeated was shit. It was awful to see every companion and the doctor undermined for all time, though hopefully with a new threat to the multiverse we wont get more donna is the most important person in all of doctor who as now someone else will have saved the multiverse. The end of time I thought might have been the best actually, really good story, acting and Freema Agyeman even just for a cameo still makes it excellent. I will admit though the pandorica opens was excellent we will just have to see if this is a parting of ways type ending or doomsday type. Winehousefan, 12:45, June 20, 2010 [UTC]

I don't think the RTD finales were boring or lacked entertainment, but the plot devices were senseless.
  1. The Tardis possessing Rose to magic the whole story away
  2. Big shootouts and a demon-numbered Hoover vacuum to erm... erase the story again?
  3. Prayer. :-/ and erasing the story
  4. Depending on which 'finale' ... Metacrisis D, or erasing the Master's deeds.
Won't it be fun someday when we can have believable tension at the end of a season of Who again? Awful lot of un-writing going on in these finales, and I mean... unless we're, what, never visiting another planet outside Earth again ... big red reset button. Obviously the Moff is trapped repeating the reset finale, but how will he make it good? What will it contribute aside from "crap now we have a human Doctor in another dimension, crap now the Doctor's death is less dramatic because he can cheat-regenerate, crap we've used up all our 'erase the Daleks from time' cards haven't we, crap we wrote another well-liked companion into a corner again and can't dig her out" ... I suspect Moff will do something a lot better that will impact the show going forward. Agonaga 16:26, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
You know its wierd doctor who actually has a long history of not really having a satisfactory conclusion. Dont get me wrong I much prefer the old Who to new Who but when you look at the conclusions of lots of the best stories it is similar. Pyramids of Mars he does just kinda trap Sutekh in a time corridor he will be dead by the time he reaches the end of. The first Dalek story their power is just knocked out you don't even see it, even Genesis one of the greatest pieces of television ever ever ever, he just kinda traps them in a bunker and destroys some of Davros's work and thats supposed to slow them down, you would think he would be more bothered considering the timelords just told him that they would eventually destroy all of creation. None of that matters of course pyramids of mars is still well written acted fantastic music deeply chilling, likewise for Genesis of the Daleks. I think that though alot of the old stories had sort of unsatisfactory conclusions [ not most but some of the all time best, and if you look closely you will probably see that in all science fiction as usually hereos are just put up against a threat to big to defeat without that] I think RTD's are a bit more noticable because they can be quite silly. Having everyone think of the doctor so now he can fly does make it seem more ridiculous its not just "oh their power has been knocked out" I mean if you were to describe it to someone else, you would say oh he shut down their power, and if you were to describe new one it would be " yeah everybody thought of him and he flew through the air" or for journeys end I don't know how you would describe that Donna thing LOL. Doomsday and End of time aren't as bad because that is just he reversed them again which the doctor and many science ficrion hereos have done many times as long as it is a creative way of doing it which them being trapped in a white abyss forever and all the bad guys being sucked into hell certainly is then it is okay. Thats not to say that last of the time lords and journey's end are bad stories again the rest of them are good. But Parting of Ways is awful, there is no story its just the daleks flyng around shooting people. and does have one of the worst coup outs ever ever. To be honest kinda getting off the point while I think Chris Eccelston was a good doctor and billie piper was a great assisstant I pretty much hated all of season one of new who. It in my opinion didn't take itself seriously and that was the problem, you had farting monsters and britney spears in the year five billion. I mean in the old who future worlds you saw where Dystopian Blade Runner Terminator type well thought out written with a left wing agenda worlds [Kandyman excluded LOL] but the world in new earth the end of the world and Gridlock, people look the same in the year five billion listen to the same music there may not even be people in the year five billion, never mind people dancing to Soft Cell. It jars to much with the great future worlds seen in old who. RTD was a great writer when he took himself seriously he produced great stories like Midnight Smith and Jone and Tooth and Claw, but he was bad when he didn't take himself seriously and produced year five billion type stories, those type of stories might be okay in another more light hearted silly sci fi show but they look very out of place in doctor who. Thats probably why he stopped doing them. Winehousefan, 10:01, June 21, 2010 [UTC]