Howling:Silurians to return

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According to this article the Silurians are to return, [1], which is another source of from the sun which means it may or may not be unaccurated. I guess that these could be episodes 8 and 9. I also found an interview with Neve Macintosh who says shewill be playing twin Silurians in the new series. [2]. But what cntiticts this is that Steven Moffat said that no classic series monsters will star in the new series. --Catkind121 09:47, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

misinformation campaign on the part of Moffat Geffe71 15:30, February 16, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, he's already lied about it once. the twelfth doctor 18:40, February 16, 2010 (UTC)


I hope they move faster than frozen molasses (see TV, Warriors of the Deep) --Stillnotginger 05:46, February 17, 2010 (UTC)