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Okay the Big Bang mentioned that an egyptian goddess was loose somewhere I can't remember. Do you think that will play a role in the christmas special. Will this be a sort of follow up to Pyramids of Mars. Now obviously its not going to be Sutekh, as much as I love Sutekh I don't think he should come back he is a one time character and bringing him back he would just be less menacing and not as original. Still though it might be another Osirian. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that seeing more information on them. Does anyone think that it will be an osirian or if that line about the egyptian goddess was just for fun. Winehousefan, 15:00, July 14 2010 [UTC

But we have new info now, so it's extremely unlikely any goddesses will appear because this year's special is based on A Christmas Carol. The evil dude. 14:28, July 14, 2010 (UTC)

So let me get this straight...basically, you titled your thread after something that you think will not happen at all...-- 15:35, July 14, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah LOL I should have titled it Osirions or something like that rather than Sutekh. Winehousefan, 19:40, July 14, 2010 [UTC]