Howling:The Brig

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IS the Brig ever going to be in doctor who. It's insane that he has not been in it. Nearly every doctor who icon has made an appearance in the new who. Sarah Jane Smith but no brig what. Growing up the Brig was always a pretty big deal he was the person to meet all but one doctor of the original series. He was one of these things like the Daleks the cybermen and the master that a doctor had to face. Sadly now he has fallen way behind. I would have liked to have seen him meet David Tennant shame he had that stroke, glad he has made a recovery, but still they have to have him meet matt smith. Are you old school fans seriously telling me that you wouldn't love to see him meet the new doctor even just to bump into him. I realise that because of his age they can't have him in it like they used to but still I really don't know why he couldn't have cameod in any of these big Unit stories David Tennant had, before his stroke there were plent of oppurtunity's don't talk to me about it being confusing for new viewers, if that were the case you could never bring back any icon, the macra really. For fucks sake stuck in Peru what the hell was that about if he is still in fucking Peru when Matt Smith meets Unit I am going to send Moffat an angry letter. So if anyone has heard any tiny rumors about the brig being in anything doctor who related sarah jane again just a cameo in a new story then please tell me. Really anyone of these times he has met Unit the brig could have just shown up for a cameo and seen him. The new generation of fans needs to see the brig I am aware was in the sarah jane adventures but he needs to at the very least meet the doctor, they have seen most other icons, though there are still quite a few left over. The silurians were a very odd choice to pick there are quite a few I would have liked to have seen before them. Winehousefan, 10:05, June 12, 2010 [UTC

The Brig was supposed to meet the 10th Doctor (albeit on SJA, not DW), but Nicholas Courtney had a stroke and couldn't make the filming. (He is 80 years old, you know.)
He's apparently in good health again. And rumor has it that Piers Wegner talked with Wendy Padbury about something secret (although that could have just been about borrowing her old Zoe skirts for Amy to wear:)). --Falcotron 15:22, June 12, 2010 (UTC)

I definately think they should bring back the Brig. No argument. Surely it can't be that hard. Please Moffat? --TemporalSpleen 16:15, June 15, 2010 (UTC)