Howling:The Doctor and River's child

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OK, going out on a bit of a limb here, but in TIA/DOM we see that Amy has stomach cramps after seeing the Silence, and this is later linked to her pregnancy. We also see that River suffers from the same cramps. So it is possible that at this time that River is also pregnant - presumably with the Doctor as the father.

Now imagine, if certain elements are taking so much trouble to try to kidnap Melody/River who is only part Timelord, what lengths would they go to to get hold of a child of River and The Doctor ? River even hints at this in the TIA when talking about the body of a Timelord.

When we see River later in her timeline, there is no mention of a child or of her being pregnant. So if she did have the child presumably it would be secreted away somewhere for protection. Now where would be a safe place to keep a child ? Maybe a maximum security prison like the Stormcage ! River also mentions that she cannot come with the Doctor as she has a "duty" or a "promise" to keep. What if that duty is looking after their child ? What if rather than River murdering somebody in cold blood, somebody sacrificed themselves so that River could be incarcerated in the Stormcage before she gave birth ?

Any thoughts on this ? To me it seeems to tie up a lot of loose ends. 23:02, August 16, 2011 (UTC)

She did say she was quite the screamer...

Gallifrey102 21:24, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

So far Stormcage has seemed ridiculously easy to break in and out of. Hardly maximum security. I'm sure that are better placeds in the universe to hide a child than in a prison. Besides, that means that River's been leaving a young child unattended whenever she breaks out. The Silence were described as sometimes but not always making you feel a bit sick. It was just a coincidence that Amy also happenned to be pregnant.Icecreamdif 04:46, August 19, 2011 (UTC)

True, it does seem River can break in and out easily. Perhaps that is because whoever is in charge knows that she is really a guest there, rather than a prisoner, whilst those of lower rank believe she is a prisoner, in order not to tip off the Silence. The times we have seen her break out have been either for just a day (her birthday), or when the Doctor specifically called for her (to go to America, the Pandorica and the Byzantium crash). Then later (for her) in Silence in the Library the child may have been old enough that River could leave it for longer periods. 12:01, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

It does however seem rather odd that we only ever saw those two feeling sick especily considering the number of times different people saw the Silence.