Howling:The Doctor not recognising the Daleks

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Is there any explanation as to why the First Doctor did not recognise the Daleks in The Dead Planet, when it's shown in The Five Doctors that they'd long been inside the Death Zone on Gallifrey, since the earliest days of the Time Lords? to me 22:35, March 17, 2012 (UTC)

There are several: he was pretending not to because he was trying to be mysterious. He had never seen a Dalek since at the time he left Gallifrey they were not known to be important -- he had only graduated from the academy with a barely passing grade, after all. Because he was actually the Other, he came from the earliest days of the time lords himself, from before their contact with the Daleks. The stress of events leading up to his stealing the TARDIS and fleeing had left him with partial amnesia. There are probably other reasons too. Feel free to make them up. Boblipton talk to me 02:07, March 18, 2012 (UTC)
The Doctor knows of the Death Zone on Gallifrey, that doesn't mean he participated or even had knowledge of the Game of Rassilon's contents.
It's like knowing the Olympic Games happen, and happened back in Ancient Greek times but not being able to name specific events.
Additionally, it's not stated how long the Dalek's been there, only implied by the Doctor that it was left over from the games, but if the Cybermen and the Master were brought by Borusa then the Dalek could have been as well. --Tangerineduel / talk 13:28, March 18, 2012 (UTC)

My recollection is that the Doctor implied the Dalek was not left over from the games. He said the Daleks (and Cybermen) hadn't been allowed into the game because they were "too good at it" -- that is, at killing. -- to me 17:02, March 18, 2012 (UTC)