Howling:The Tenth and Eleventh Doctor - Personality and Telepathy

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Sorry, can't read the archives to see if this is a repeat.

I'd seen that somebody had speculated that the Eleventh Doctor was less skilled in Telepathy than the Tenth, because he didn't use it so well or so often. Here's why I disagree, and I'm interested in what you think.

The Tenth Doctor's regeneration was defined by the thought of Rose's value. As he later relates to Captain Jack, he's astonished that she didn't become a vengeful god. He was still marvelling at how brilliant she was as he regenerated. The first face he saw was Rose, and Whether or not you agree that the Doctor fell in love with Rosé Tyler, it is pretty obvious that his Tenth incarnation was even more like her in terms of habits, quirks, interest, even speech. Several times in series 2 it is frankly eerie - and narratively obvious - how they mirror each other. One of her defining character traits is her empathy, a trait already present in the Doctor at many times, and even more prominently in the Tenth Doctor. So, the Tenth Doctor is comfortable enough using his telepathy. He doesn't even hold off on using it after Reinette demonstrates that he could end up revealing as much about himself as he discovers about others. He is so close to his emotions that he's demonstrably volatile. (It can be easily - and convincingly - argued that the only thing that really kept the Doctor from a romantic relationship with Rose was that he would not be able to bear to see her age.)

Contrast this with the Eleventh Doctor. The Eleventh Doctor regenerated as the dashing of hopes, after a series of painful goodbyes. He came out more alien, more detached. The first face he saw was young Pond, and he's playful and capricious, aromatic figure of childhood but not a romantic interest. He's further away. He doesn't indulge in complexity of emotion. He doesn't use his telepathy as much. He relies on other methods, with few exceptions. Perhaps he's learned from the past. Perhaps he's not as prepared to risk his own real thoughts and feelings directly. But we still see flashes, even if it causes pain. He speaks to the Krafayis and the Minotaur. He touches the Flesh and is painfully scanned in return. He head bonks information into Craig's head.

He also links with the Flesh. Although we're meant to think it's the Ganger Doctor, it's shown to be the original. He psychically feels out Ganger Amy's link with the real Amy, crying in a higher pitched voice "It's in my head," and grimacing in pain before ducking away, after Amy sees Eye Patch Lady. She confesses she'd seen his death, and in his shock and with the pain of the other Gangers running through his head, he throws her into the wall. The Ganger Doctor says he didn't feel it as strongly, implying that even this version of the Doctor is even more sensitive than the Flesh, which is described as strong.

I think the Eleventh Doctor is just as skilled, and maybe even more sensitive.

Ah, well. Back to the Almost People. What do you guys think? ComicBookGoddess 05:59, March 3, 2013 (UTC)

My favourite part of this theory - and my apologies for sidewinding a bit from your intended thesis - is the idea that the Doctor takes on characteristics of the entities with whom he interacts while regenerating (a sort of imprinting, as it were). It makes a lot of sense for many reasons; I want to say more but am afraid I'd ramble on at the moment! AthertonX 09:34, March 3, 2013 (UTC)

Awww. Ramble on, do! The idea makes me wonder who the Ninth might have picked up first. ComicBookGoddess 02:02, March 7, 2013 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure he said if "a Timelord looked into the heart of the TARDIS he(or they) would become a vengeful god. I think Rose made a difference simply because she wasn't looking for revenge, only justice. (This is my first post so excuse any lack of etiquette) CJthat

I also would like to say that comparing ten and eleven in telepathy without having 9 as a base (just to put it in a "New Who" pattern) could very well be apples and oranges. I'm registered now, so instead of CJ I'm SGTBenton.

I was reacting to something I'd seen somebody say out in the Eleventh Doctor's entry. Not sure how well we could apply Nine here, as we don't know how he imprinted. But we could speculate, here, can't we?
Nine is alone. Most of us assume that he regenerated during or shortly after the use of the Moment. So, it's quite possible that he didn't have anybody to imprint on. That could have impacted his aloofness. He's already travelling alone, and he is so very ready to drop everybody, even Rose in Father's Day. He's dismissive and antagonistic towards Mickey and Jackie, where Ten used many of the same terms in a much more friendly fashion. We also don't see him using his telepathy very much (do we see it at all?), which fits in with an isolated personality. ComicBookGoddess 03:58, March 20, 2013 (UTC)