Howling:The return of Ian Chesteron?

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Howling:Howling archiveThe Howling archives → The return of Ian Chesteron?
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I don,t know. Maybe? :)

If this actually happens, I think something simple would be best: The Doctor (10 or 11) and an older Ian, on a parkbench, Ian not knowing who he is talking to. The Doctor thinks about how far he's come since he kidnapped two human school teachers. As he leave, the Doctor calls him "Chatterton". Ian looks up, and thinks that it is impossible. Impossible like meeting Marco Polo, giant ants, acid seas, mutants in metal shells, cavemen and boxes that are bigger on the inside. Impossible, but maybe...The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk).

This isn't the best place to say this, but unregistered users are hard to reach on the wiki. You cannot put this on the main part of the wiki. It's been removed twice. Please read Tardis:Spoiler policy so you know where/when you can post this kind of thing.
This forum, the Howling, is the only place where you can place spoilers. Thanks! Shambala108 18:35, June 28, 2013 (UTC)

Well it can't be the Eleventh Doctor seeing as he just met Ian and Barbara in Hunters of the Burning Stone - DWM's 50th Anniversary comic story - so Ian would recognise him. --ScotchAutopilot 21:19, August 16, 2013 (UTC) .

We don't know if he is actually gonna make an appearance...

Of course we don't, that's why it's in The Howling, because it's a rumour/speculation.--ScotchAutopilot 11:34, August 19, 2013 (UTC)