Howling:The wastelands of London?

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The plot for the End of Time mentions the Doctor and the Master battling from the wastlands of London to the mysterious Immortality Gate... Does seem mean or indicate that London gets destroyed or ravaged the End of Time?

I mean, the wastelands of London? I'm guessing that something happens to the city? The Master and the Doctor battle there, devastating the city?Delton Menace 06:27, December 2, 2009 (UTC)

That would be cool but in Fear Her we see London in 2012. All perfectly normal. --Catkind121 14:07, December 4, 2009 (UTC)

Perhaps time has changed and the future of London is rewritten to negate Fear Her? The Doctor is certainly no longer worried about changing time anymore, as proven in The Waters of Mars. The evil dude . 16:09, December 4, 2009 (UTC)

from the new trailer, it looks like the wastelands are likened to a junkyard, strip mine, lanfill or construction yard. but it could be literally wastelands like you have stated Geffe71 19:44, December 4, 2009 (UTC)

I have been watching the three new trailers for the end of time, plus looked at the new pic, and by the looks at it, Miss Treyfysis has brought the master back for her own plot and is using the master, but the master has his own new plot in mind (by the way Mmiss trfysis must have been on board the valiant to know about the master and she is the one who picked up the ring) and is using joshua naismith. At the end of part 1 the master blows up london killing lucy saxon and miss trefysis or something along the lines of that and that is why london is a wasteland. Just a guess. Saxon 3 21:04, December 4, 2009 (UTC)

Russel T. Davies was originally planning to have the Daleks destroy New York and The Stolen Earth, so it seems maybe London will be destroyed, especially with it being the big finale and everything. And time could episodes like Fear Her could indeed be re-written, as the story doiesn't have an important influence over the future. It wouldn't seem too much of a stretch to say London is destroyed and then New London is built a year or something later? I mean, they do have a New Earth after Earth is destroyed. They could have certain parts of the new London have re-made landmarks to maintain the 'London feel', but the rest could be new. In everything I have seen from the End of Time so far, there is explosions and destruction, and what might be the remains of London where the Doctor and the Master come face-to-face in one clip that I saw the other day.

London being destroyed would add to the Russel tradition of the finale getting more dramatic each season, and I like the idea, too. Delton Menace 10:02, December 5, 2009 (UTC)

In a new clip the doctors in the tardis with wilf trying to track down the master, but in the other trailer it looks like they meet for the first time in a huge junkyard. and the picture looks like london blowing up. anyone care to add anything?

Where did you see this clip? Can't find it on Youtube. The evil dude. 18:56, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

New clip is on there as Wilf boards the tardis. Just wondered, you know the "deadly four knocks" what if the master kills the doctor by hitting him over the head four times. But no that's not a sad ending is it. I think the person behind the four kncks is time lords timothy dalton.Saxon 3 19:56, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

Could we have a link please. --Catkind121 20:12, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

[1]. Just so you know its not that revealing, all we find out really that they are chasing the master, wilf is not in (presumably dead, see a noble end forum part for that) the last three pages of the script. Now that could fill up to anything from 5 to 15 minutes. Enjoy. Saxon 3 20:57, December 8, 2009 (UTC)