Howling:Waters of mars - wouldn't the reapers be involved?

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when Rose stopped her father from being killed, she altered the timeline and the reapers came to solve the disrepancy. after the characters in the WOM were saved by the doctor, despite being a fixed point in time, wouldn't the repeaers kill them anyway?

The reapers were created after a paradox occurred as the previous version of Rose saw herself. Nothing like that happened here. Helloher (Death is not my phone number) 20:24, November 15, 2009 (UTC)
There could be multiple reasons that this did not occur. 1. If Rose saves her dad, that affects her personal timeline. The new Rose would have no need to save her dad, as he is already alive, and she might not become The Doctor's companion. Saving those 3 on Mars did not affect The Doctor's personal timeline. 2. The Doctor's actions only changed small details of history and the future remains intact. Which it did according to the articles that were flashed during the episode. 20:19, November 19, 2009 (UTC)