Howling:What causes silence to fall?

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exactly. what causes silence to fall? we know there are cracks in the universe, and several episodes claim silence will fall as well as Pandorica Openings and the cracks in time we know will be created. but there is no absoloute things that causes silence to fall, is there? you might say the TARDIS explosion causing cracks and the cracks cause silence and all that, but silence fell BEFORE the TARDIS blew up.

so, any theories?Ooiue 20:26, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

This is something I've been wondering myself. Only Prisoner Zero, Rosanna Calvierri, Rory and the Doctor have explicitly mentioned the silence. Rosanna said that she saw silence through some of the cracks. And the silence that overcame Venice was not simple lack of noise, it was an oppressive silence (that reminded me of old tom of unseen university. But boo to intertextuality) that cancelled out other noises. Seems strange - like it's a black hole, but for sound. This isn't a theory, is it. Sorry. Faeryty 20:31, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

it reminds me about the mystery of what was in the Pandorica. no clues. no hints. nothing. oh look, what was inside? nothing. but i suspect that mysteries voice has something to do with it....which i suppose is a pretty obvious theory--Ooiue 20:33, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

There were clues as to what was in the Pandorica. Granted, the big glaring one was only in the episode itself (and the trailor for it) - but I got it from "the trickster goblin soaked in the blood of the universe, the greatest warrior that has ever lived" (that quote about the blood of the universe is eerily familiar, does it ring a bell for anyone else?). So I hope we should be able to work out at least something about what is going on with the silence. Maybe. Faeryty 20:38, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

fair enough. but we shall have to wait and find out :/--Ooiue 20:39, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

I have a theory. The answer is Gravity! Big letters, S, I, L, E, N, C and E will fall from the sky. Silence will fall. :) User:Solar Dragon/Signature 20:41, June 23, 2010 (UTC)
The universe is erased by the TARDIS exploding. That creates only silence left. V00D00M0NKY 21:31, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

its like i put on he first post of this. there isnt any evidence for what yhou said but seems to be the most accepted, the most plausable and currently the most likely theory so far. but i doubt an explosion of the TARDIS would do that. but thats just me--Ooiue 21:38, ,.,June 23, 2010 (UTC)

I do find it hard to believe that it was simply just the TARDIS exploding but there was something that controlled and caused it to explode. Maybe the location of the explosion was significant to making the universe vanish. Maybe it exploded in a manner where it affected the time vortex. That could affect all of time and space. V00D00M0NKY 21:41, June 23, 2010 (UTC)

a very good point. maybe it has omething to do with Amy's house....--Ooiue 07:20, June 24, 2010 (UTC)

Or it's a message from all known civilizations that have made contact with the Doctor...After centuries of Doctor's endless babbling...the universe can finally have some silence with the Doctor trapped in the Pandorica...I'm sure races like the Oods prefer a quieter universe than one with the Doctor going on and on about every single thing he sees and thinks....and the voice is probably the much-abused TARDIS rejoicing the fact that he can finally enjoy silence... or even scarier...when Rose became the Bad Wolf, she hears all of space and time....and in that instance, she realized the universe is full of noises and most of them were made by the Doctor, which is what gave her the headache instead of the time vortex...when the Ninth Doctor starts taking in the time vortex, Bad Wolf rejoiced on the possibility that silence will fall and decides to shut up the doctor once and fall all by destroying the TARDIS...the TARDIS being connected to the Bad Wolf screams out silence will fall in frequencies throughout time that certain races like Prisoner Zero's could hear...which is why Churchill's phone call couldn't reach the TARDIS, because it was broadcasting the news... I'm sure the reason for Judoon to join the Alliance could be to eliminate the Universe greatest threat in sound pollutions... the perspective of the poor aliens who the Doctor contacted throughout time:

In ancient times, there was a blood-thirsty warrior, a mischievous trickster, a noisy goblin... Wherever he goes, he brings with him death, war, noises, and cracks on the earth... Every year, the goblin abducts a maiden from a village and none of them ever returned... One day a good wizard ordered his familiars to stop him... There were a monkey with silver fur, a hairless wolf, a green two-headed dragon, a walking skeleton, a yellow octopus, and they carry with them the horns of giant red, white and blue oxen... The yellow octopus was the most intelligent of the familiars; he learned of the girl that the goblin has chosen...the octopus asked the girl to drink a magical portion and lead the goblin to a stone circle the wizard built... One night, a crack on the girl's room appeared and the goblin came, the girl let herself be abducted as the octopus advised... The goblin was noisy and filthy, and everyday the goblin would ask the girl to marry him...the octopus told the girl to say no everytime and the girl did as the octopus said... The girl was to marry a young man in her village on her 16th birthday, on the night before her wedding, she said she will marry the goblin if he brought her to the stone circle...the goblin happily agreed... The happy goblin sang songs that hurt the villagers' ears, the songs are so loud that it leaves cracks on the earth wherever he goes... When they reached the stone circle, the sky is ripped opened...the familiars appeared...all of them...the monkey with silver fur, the hairless wolf, the green two-headed dragon, the walking skeleton, the yellow octopus, and the horns made from giant red, white and blue oxes... The goblin asked if they came to hear him sing, the familiars said they came to silent him... The goblin laughed but the familiars glow in a golden light and became the wizard... The goblin screamed in fear, creating more cracks... The wizard shrunk the goblin and put him inside a blue box... The villagers rejoiced as they exclaim that "silence shall finally fall"...the girl got married and lived happily ever after...accompanied by the extremely loud music the village's harpist Murray Gold...

The Doctor really should consider stop talking occasionally...all those accident trips that the TARDIS end up taking the Doctor to...I'm beginning to believe that the TARDIS were trying to get the Doctor to get some companions to talk to and also to put the Doctor in extremely dangerous situations where he can't help but get himself involved and hopefully dies so it may bring silence...Ever since Series 2, the whole show has been endless typewriter-speed talking accompanied by ridiculously loud music...When I turn my TV volume to 2 and the person on the other side of the phone can still hear probably means silence should fall.... 08:47, June 24, 2010 (UTC)

could we get back on topic?--Ooiue 14:11, June 24, 2010 (UTC)

Is it just me or does the creepy tardis voice sound like Davros? I'm not saying he's behind it all, but if you compare the two it kind of does. <><

on the SJA episode on the 26th oct it shows these oversized turkeys and they sound pretty similair to when smethingor smeone said 'silence shall fall'

The "oversized turkeys" were sentient vultures known as the Shansheeth. If you can't tell a vulture from a turkey, for pity's sake don't cook Christmas dinner for anyone. 13:29, May 27, 2011 (UTC)