Howling:Who is the voice during events of the Pandorica opens and the Big Bang?

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Who is the voice during events in the series finale in season five?

During events of The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang,a voice is suddenly appeared out of nowhere telling the silence is falling.I think the voice is possibly Valeyard or his own alias,The Dream Lord.I'm speculating this because everyone fully aware of Valeyard's cunning skill and he maybe engineered this incident to get back on the Doctor.Or,this actually implied a catastrophic events that would eventually see our beloved Doctor fall to the dark side and becoming Valeyard.

If so,then everything will change and do not be surprised that the Doctor allied himself with his kind,Timelord or worse,the Master.The voice itself is actually a warning about the impending event that could not be altered unless a twist during the course of the Last Great Time War.

08:18, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

It was one of the Silence, apparently. As for what they plan to do? Well, they plan to bring silence, whatever that means. Silence will fall... quite literally. The Vampires of Venice and the end of The Pandorica Opens make that clear: there will be silence. Delton Menace 01:05, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

It is clear that whatever it is wants silence. However, there is no reason to believe that it itself is called the silence or that it comes from a people called the silence, or even that there are others like it. It is also possible that the silence just refers to the erasure of the universe at the end of The Pandorica Opens, and whoever the voice is will want something different in his next appearence. It probably isn't the Valeyard, because the Master said that he will be created in between the Doctor's twelfth and final incarnations, so it is still too early. The voice sounds more like Davros than anything, but they probably won't bring him back so soon after Journey's End. My guess is that the voice is the Black Guardian, because he is probably the best recurring villain from the classic series who hasn't been reintroduced yet, and he would definetly be capable of destroying the TARDIS.Icecreamdif 22:36, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

The Valeyard speculation is likely untrue. They can't pull the "evil personality" card again for a while now. (TV: Amy's Choice) Unless there trying to link it somehow, very unlikely. I think the silence will a unique and new thing.--Skittles the hog 07:50, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

Nah it can't be something new to anti-climatic. It would be like "Hello Doctor" "Who Are You?" "The Silence" "oh". Its probably an allie of the doctor or someone like daveros. Then it would be like this "Silence has fallen""Its You!". Now whats better?Joshoedit 04:50, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

Who the Silence conisists of is currently unknown (Moffat has actually referred to it as a group on occasion), it could be Omega, Rassilion and the other Time Lords, or someone else. Could be the Pantheon of Discord for all we know. (Please don't say the Rani, it ain't happening). Could even be the Beast. Could be is the key term here. We don't know,and given that it's Moffat who is doing it, a new villan strikes me as likely. We'll just have to guess and wait and see. And as for a new villian being do you think all the old classic villans came about? - I. Am. Excalibur-117-(talkcontribs) 08:31, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

the 'silence' will be something new, think about it so far the big bads of every season has been an old enemy brought back, with hardly any build up. this time moffat has used the whole series 5 as a build and introduction to the silence, if it was an old enemy he could have just finished it all in one season, but insead he is building it up across multiple seasons, it will be very dissapointing if at the end of all of the build up it ends up beeing davros, the time lords something we have seen before, its going to be something completely new that moffat wants to turn into a new evil thats over all others hence this story arc lasting over more than 1 series there woul;d be no need if it was an old enemy as we already know who they are 10:17, November 18, 2010 (UTC) It isn't going to be a new enemy. He can't spend this much time building up to an enemy that noone has ever heard of. He will probably bring back a classic enemy that hasn't been in the new series yet. No villain has ever had this kind of buildup for their first appearance.

^Facepalm to the above post. You want unoriginality and fanwank. I'm pretty sure Moffat confirmed somewhere recently that we're going to be introduced to a new threat that is the Silence, which as we know, are a they. Comes as no surprise, as Moffat has never had old enemies as villains, only his own new creations. Good on him. Before you mentioned The Pandorica Opens, that was loads of cameos - and they weren't as villains, they wanted to save the universe from the Doctor (with it looking like he was responsible for the cracks). Delton Menace 09:43, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

Delton Menace, you are a hyppocite. You complain about fanwank all the time, but you spent a long time talking about the return of the Beast. Every single finale, including Moffat's, has featured the return of a classic villain. And, we don't know that the silence is a "they." Literally, all we know about it is that it blew up the TARDIS, and said "silence will fall." We don't even know if it is called the silence, only that it wants silence. The villain could be a group, it could be a group of classic villains, it can be a group of new villains, it can be a single new villain, it can be a single classic villain. From what we know about it, it could be almost anything. Based on the trend of every season, including Moffat's season though, we should assume that it is not something new, which would be very anti-climactic. 17:41, November 19, 2010 (UTC)

There is a huge line between bring back someone who has been back time and time again, and bringing back anything ambitious and only featured once. Plus, Steven Moffat has confirmed that the Silence is a they more than once. We new as far ba as confidential when he said series 6 is about "Who are the Silence?" and last month said series 6 will be about the silence and "who they are."

Also: Russell T Davies. He wrote every finale except for the series 5 finale - the first finale to have no returning major villain or anything to do with the Time War. You really don't get about the spoilers, do you? We now know more than was was learnt in the finale from interviews with him. There was no villains in his finale, let alone a big bad. There aliens and the kitchen sink that turned up were trying to save the universe, viewing the Doctor as the enemy. If they knew about the Silence being behind the cracks, they would have set their differences aside.

Moffat has also made clear that the series is changing - no more Time War angst, no companions back every other episode, all of that. The only thing remaining if the one-Dalek-story-a-series (though whether there will be any in series 6 is 50/50) and bring back an old alien race that hasn't come back yet. He is well-known to only have proper villains be his own creation (gas mask zombies, clockwork robots, Weeping Angels, shadows, Atraxi, Prisoner Zero, Smilers, and the Silence). They weren't even as villains in the one story with non-Moffat creations, they were concerned for the universe and featured as cameos. Plus, he has made fairly clear that we're getting a new threat. Unlike seemingly you, I search to the core for all new info he gives. Delton Menace 09:56, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

No need to be so hostile. I was just offering a different theory to yours. Even if the "silence" is a they, it can still be something that has been seen before. There wouldn't be any "reason" to ask "who are the silence," if nobody could possibly guess. Moffat may say that the series is changing, but he hasn't really lived up to that. People thought that with Moffat the entire universe wouldn't be in danger in every finale anymore, but Moffat actually destroyed the universe in his first finale. Also, the only time that Davies brought back classic enemies was in the finales, which is also the only time that Moffat has done it. It is possible that the silence will be a new enemy, but I doubt it.

Ah, I have it ! We know the Atraxi came from the other side of the cracks in space, and they were giant eyeballs. So perhaps the things that want silence are the enemies of the Atraxi, the giant ears. 01:54, November 21, 2010 (UTC)

i belive that its going to be a new enemy but , if you think about it we can narrow down our speculation because whatever the silence is it has to be one of two things

1) something incorporeal (sorry dont know spelling) because silence will fall meaning there wont be anything left including all alternet universes so they have to be from outside these universes otherwise they would be distroying themselves

2) something with a misguided belief where they think that if they distroy everything they can benifit from it in some way, but who would this fit?

and we can basically forget about it beeing any of the emimies that appeared in the pandorica opens. 12:01, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

Well if you think it is going to be a new enemy, thee isn't any point speculating, because that would mean that it is literally impossible to guess. If it is something that has been seen before, the most likely villain that fits into both of your categories, (incorporeal, believes destroying the universe is beneficial), the most likely would be either the Black Guardian, or the Beast. The Master and Davros have both tried to destroy the universe in the past, but we have seen them too recently, and it is too early for the Valeyard to appear. The Beast has only appeared in one random 2-part story, while the Black Guardian has appeared in 2 major story arcs, so the most likely explanation would be the black guardian. 17:59, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

It was confirmed now that the Silence are a terrifying species whose physical forms we will see - but their true forms are not physical. It was mentioned that series 6 goes into a the "true terror and horror of their species, and their needs."

If you have an account on the GallifreyBase forum, here is the spoilers regarding the Silence:

Oh, and spoilers, too, revealed that they're known as Silents, but the Silence is the name as their species. Basically, it's lie humans/humanity being Silents/The Silence. Delton Menace 01:03, December 18, 2010 (UTC)

Just a divider to make it easier

I agree with Delton Menace (but not his anger issues), an old monster, especially the ones suggested on this page are obvious and boring. Why does everyone always say "The Valyard". It ain't happening. Omega could realistically return in the future but he hardly strikes as "The Silence". The Rani?-er no.--Skittles the hog 22:12, December 24, 2010 (UTC)

It probably wont't be the Valeyard, Omega, or the Rani, because they are all Timelords, and the Timelords already had an episode a year ago. It is too soon for another Timelord episode. Those aren't the only villains from the classic series who it could be though. The Black Guardian easily fits into what we know about the voice, and he hasn't made an appearance in the new series yet. It isn't going to be a new villain. Every finale, even Moffat's, features a villain who has appeared in the classic series. Moffat hasn't used classic monstes any less than Davies has.--Unsigned comment

It's not the guardian, it's a new villian/entity.--Skittles the hog 11:43, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

You can't know that for sure until the new season comes out. There wouldn't be any point in building up to it, and making everybody speculate, if they are just going to say "Oh its some new super powerful entity who has the ability to destroy the universe, but for some reason you've never heard of in almost 50 years of the show airing." It is possible that they will create a new enemy, but in all likelihood, it will be the Black Guardian, or another classic enemy.--Unsigned comment

Seriously, are you deranged? Now I see why Delton Menace rages. Read this page and follow the links. It is NOT the guardian.--Skittles the hog 11:05, December 26, 2010 (UTC)

No need for name calling. I didn't say it was definetly the Black Guardian, I just said it could be. It could be any classic monster or an old monster from the new series, and I admit that there is an off chance that it will be something new. However, there have been 6 finales so far. So far they have all featured Daleks, or Daleks and Cybermen, or the Master, or Daleks and Davros, ot the Master and Rassillon, or pretty much every classic monster that has ever been brought back in the new series with a bunch of other monsters created in earlier episodes of the new series. This includes Moffat's finale. All of this build-up is just stupid if it something that we have never heard of. And you make yourself look like a bit of a hyppocrite when you say that you disagree with Delton Menace's anger issues, and then call me deranged.--Unsigned comment

Remeber to sign your comment. The build up is to develop respect for the new monster/entity. See [1] for a page on your theory. See here for sanity [2]. Thanks--Skittles the hog 18:27, December 26, 2010 (UTC)

Assuming that they are going to do what they do EVERY YEAR, hardly seems like a "wild, off-the-wall theory." Bringing back an old enemy actually seems more likely than the existence of a species that is capable of destroying the TARDIS and the entire universe, that the Doctor has never encountered in "900 years of phone box travel," and almost 50 years of the show. As I have said above, the enemy in the finales is never a new monster. Before you say that that was under Davies, Moffat brought back more old enemies in his first finale than Davies ever did. 22:49, December 26, 2010 (UTC)

I disagree but would like to hear your theories on this monsters identity.--Skittles the hog 17:10, December 27, 2010 (UTC)

I've already said what my theory is. The Black Guardian was in 2 major story arcs, and he certainly has the capabiliy to do what the "silence" did in The Pandorica Opens. Also, in Enlgihtenment, the White Guardian strongly implied that the Doctor would face the Black Guardian again.I also thought that the voice sounded like Davros, and he has tried to destroy the universe before, but it is a bit too soon to bring him back again. At the risk of sounding like Delton Menace, the Beast would also be capable of making the TARDIS explode, but I think that it will be a classic monster. The other mostly likely monsters are the ones that you mentioned earlier. However, the Rani is a scientist and wouldn't have the motive to destroy the universe, plus she is probably dead. The Valeyard shouldn't exist until 2 regenerations from now. Omega, however, could probably will the TARDIS to explode, wants revenge against the Timelords, and the Doctor, and could have easily survived the Time War inside of his black-hole. There are also probably other monsters who I haven't thought of, and my knowlege of the first 2 Doctors is limited. I still think that the most likely is the Black Guardian. 02:37, December 28, 2010 (UTC)

See here: [3][4] YOU ARE WRONG!!!-- Skittles the hog 10:32, December 28, 2010 (UTC)

Before season 5 came out, everyone was saying that there were not going to be any classic monsters returning, and they were showing interviews with Moffat and other production people saying that. Season 5 ended up featuring Silurians, Sontarans, Daleks, Cybermen, and many other classic monsters. The Ood in the trailer already proves that not all of the episodes feature new monsters. 21:18, December 28, 2010 (UTC)

No. The links state no "classic" mosnters. Unless the suited figure is one of the Alien Ambassador's species, then I think the statement holds.--Skittles the hog 22:16, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

The ambassadors of death just borrowed the space suits anyway. My point is, they are not creating new monsters for all the episodes anyway, and they always bring back classic monsters, even when they say they wont. 23:26, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

Another divider

I think I've given you enough proof that it is not the Black Guardian, the Rani or the Valyard. As always this is just an off-the-wall theory that has no basis in fact and everything is against it.--Skittles the hog 10:51, December 30, 2010 (UTC)

If you had read what I wrote, you would know that I said that it probably isn't the Rani or the Valeyard. It is an even more off the wall theory to assume that this is something completely new. 16:02, December 30, 2010 (UTC)

It's going to be fun when your wrong. You'r the only one who holds this theory.--Skittles the hog 16:23, December 30, 2010 (UTC)

69, what Skittles and Delton are both trying to say to you is, they've provided links to many different sources which explicitly say it is a new villain. That's what they're trying to say. It's not going to be an old one. Moffat and others have said Moffat doesn't like bringing back classic enemies, so I doubt the big bad one will be a classic enemy. It's not off the wall considering there are sources saying it is true. --The Thirteenth Doctor 16:33, December 30, 2010 (UTC)

Sanity has arrived.--Skittles the hog 20:17, December 30, 2010 (UTC)