Individual (Doctor Who)

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An individual once met the Thirteenth Doctor in a forest.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

According to one telling of an account, the individual passed the sonic screwdriver on a boulder as they neared the Thirteenth Doctor in a set of ruins. There, the TARDIS materialised next to the Doctor as she introduced herself. (EXHIBIT: Doctor Who [+]Loading...["Doctor Who (MTB exhibit)"]) According to another telling, they passed Dan Lewis who smiled at them, while being stalked by a Weeping Angel. (EXHIBIT: Doctor Who [+]Loading...{"ed":"2022 update","1":"Doctor Who (MTB exhibit)"})

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The individual, or individuals, who attended the Doctor Who [+]Loading...["Doctor Who (MTB exhibit)"] area in Madame Tussauds Blackpool were the individual addressed by the Doctor. Promotional material also advertised the interactivity of the exhibit, showing a clear intent that the visitors were entering a minor "immersive experience".