Informational Dalek machine

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Informational Dalek machines, also known as info points or imitation Dalek units, were recreations of Dalek Travel Machines present within the Dalek Dome. They spoke with a voice provided by a human actor known as the voice of the Daleks.

When a Supreme Dalek escaped from the Earth Invasion Zone, its and its two Bronze Dalek attendants, initially thinking the Dalek Dome to be an parallel universe, attempted to speak with their presumed comrade only to discover it was a false Dalek.

Following the Daleks in the Golden City Zone hypnotising Georgette Gold, she arranged for the Informational Dalek machines to be remotely controlled by the Daleks in the Zone, the Golden Emperor ordering them to be fitted with gunsticks from the Dome's historical museum. When Georgy Gold broke the hypnosis, the Information Daleks fought with the Dome's staff. One Information Dalek was placed in the Skaro Observatory, reporting the successful forming of a quantum-powered reality gate, allowing for an ultimately successful field test.

As the Golden City Daleks began launching their forces into the portal, the Information Dalek that was guarding Specimen Nine Lambda, the Golden Emperor's true self, relayed orders to the controllers to drain the Jungles of Spiridon Zone to generate enough psychoplasm to allow the Dalek Fleet to pass through the portal. (COMIC: Liberation of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Liberation of the Daleks (comic story)"])