Jay Kreutznaer

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Jay Kreutznaer was employed alongside Raymond Leinster to inspect the equipment monitoring one of the caves connecting to the labyrinth — specifically, the San Antonio terminal. He smoked Querétaro cigarettes. Jay disappeared during their trek through the cave, with Ray losing almost all of his memories of Jay's existence, although he eventually remembered him by his cigarettes, which Ray retained on his person after the event even though he didn't smoke Querétaro cigarettes.

Jay, after wandering the labyrinth, lost, eventually made his way to one of the terminals, the planet Aloophoa, where he spent the next decade or so, marooned. He had frequent visions of a ghost-like, grinning being who called himself Mister Cold. Eventually, Kreutznaer met a party of three explorers who had left Earth at approximately the same time as he had, but for whom it had been far less than ten years: Arnen, Leña and Hevrhasrana. (PROSE: Golden Age)