Mannequin Challenge

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Mannequin Challenge

The Mannequin Challenge was a social media trend which gained popularity in 2016.

While visiting a shopping mall, the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler encountered a lone Auton left from the 2005 Nestene invasion of Earth. However, the Auton had no interest in continuing the invasion, instead wanting attention. Feeling sympathy for the Auton, the Doctor went back in time a week and entered Rose, the Auton and himself into the mall's Mannequin Challenge competition, as the group "The Plastic Surgeons", which they won after staying in the same pose for 15 minutes. (COMIC: Untitled)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the real world, the Mannequin Challenge was not popularised until 2016, a whole nine years after what would have been a 2007 setting for this contemporary Earth-set Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler story.