Mercury (element)

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A pool of mercury on Vulcan. (TV: The Power of the Daleks [+]Loading...["The Power of the Daleks (TV story)"])
Mercury (element)
You may wish to consult mercury for other, similarly-named pages.

Mercury was a corrosive chemical element found on many planets, including Earth, Go-Ray and Skaro. Mercury could easily be found in any scientific community, particularly in labs. (TV: The Daleks [+]Loading...["The Daleks (TV story)"])

Exposure to mercury had a negative effect on many species, as well as robots. A canister of mercury was used to corrode and disable a Gold Assassin who was on board a Roman sailing vessel. (COMIC: Golden Slumbers [+]Loading...["Golden Slumbers (comic story)"])

Mercury poisoning was a common complaint among sailors. Amy Ivans, a passenger of the Lankester, was being poisoned with small doses of mercury, administered by Jacques De Requin. (AUDIO: Cryptobiosis [+]Loading...["Cryptobiosis (audio story)"])

Many devices required mercury to function. For example, on Go-Ray, the First Doctor, John and Gillian acquired mercury to repair a cardium reactor. (COMIC: Enter: The Go-Ray [+]Loading...["Enter: The Go-Ray (comic story)"]) When he first arrived on Skaro, the First Doctor, wanting to explore the Dalek City, falsely claimed that his TARDIS' fluid link K7 had run out of mercury as a ruse to explore the city. When he entertained the idea of building a new fluid link, he discovered that, ironically, his ship really did need more mercury. (TV: The Daleks [+]Loading...["The Daleks (TV story)"])

The Second Doctor visited the Panjistri homeworld to stock up on mercury. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse [+]Loading...["Timewyrm: Apocalypse (novel)"]) Later, the mercury in the fluid links evaporated, forcing the Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon to evacuate the TARDIS. The Doctor acquired more mercury on Space Station W3. (TV: The Wheel in Space [+]Loading...["The Wheel in Space (TV story)"])

The Fourth Doctor acquired some needed mercury in 1931 Chicago, unknowingly defeating the Master's plans by doing so. (PROSE: The Duke of Dominoes [+]Loading...["The Duke of Dominoes (short story)"])

The Seventh Doctor stole some mercury from the Wierdarbi with the aid of Catherine Broome to refill the fluid links. (PROSE: Companion Piece [+]Loading...["Companion Piece (novel)"])

The Eighth Doctor visited a podule orbiting Jupiter in search of mercury for his TARDIS' fluid links. (PROSE: To the Slaughter [+]Loading...["To the Slaughter (novel)"])

The planet Vulcan had mercury swamps on its surface. (TV: The Power of the Daleks [+]Loading...["The Power of the Daleks (TV story)"]) Skaro had geysers of mercury; the Dalek Emperor attempted to kill Zeg near one of them. (COMIC: Duel of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Duel of the Daleks (comic story)"]) The Acteon Galaxy had asteroids made of mercury. (AUDIO: Neverland [+]Loading...["Neverland (audio story)"])

The Eighth Doctor visited Rontan 9 during the Last Great Time War in search of mercury to repair his TARDIS' fluid links. (PROSE: Natural Regression [+]Loading...["Natural Regression (short story)"])