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A microphone was a piece of technology meant to amplify voice. The Eleventh Doctor described them as amplifying one's natural abilities. (TV: Hide [+]Loading...["Hide (TV story)"]) Microphones were often used for communication purposes, most often as a component in something more elaborate, allowing those who used them to communicate across long distances. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth [+]Loading...["The Dalek Invasion of Earth (TV story)"], The Rescue [+]Loading...["The Rescue (TV story)"], etc.)

Microphones were a functionally significant component of telephones. (TV: The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"]) In addition, microphones were also potential components of some forms of headphones (TV: The Ark in Space [+]Loading...["The Ark in Space (TV story)"]) and earpieces. (TV: Dalek [+]Loading...["Dalek (TV story)"])

Smaller microphones were worn on the clothing of television presenters and newsreaders to allow their voice to be picked up easily. (TV: Army of Ghosts [+]Loading...["Army of Ghosts (TV story)"], etc.)

Davros had a throat microphone that enhanced his damaged voice. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Genesis of the Daleks (TV story)"])

The Eleventh Doctor's sonic screwdriver could function as a microphone, (TV: The God Complex [+]Loading...["The God Complex (TV story)"]) as could the Twelfth Doctor's. (TV: The Doctor Falls [+]Loading...["The Doctor Falls (TV story)"])

Vicki Pallister speaks into a microphone. (TV: The Rescue [+]Loading...["The Rescue (TV story)"])

The crew of the Teselecta used a microphone which when spoken into could mimic the voice of an individual the Teselecta was impersonating. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler [+]Loading...["Let's Kill Hitler (TV story)"]) An individual who worked at the Dalek Dome also used a microphone that could mimic the voice of the Daleks. (COMIC: "Part Eleven: Slave to the Rhythm!" [+]Part of Liberation of the Daleks, Loading...{"namedep":"Part Eleven: Slave to the Rhythm!","1":"Liberation of the Daleks (comic story)"})

Microphones were used on many planets by several civilisations, such as Earth, (TV: The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"]) Sto, (TV: Voyage of the Damned [+]Loading...["Voyage of the Damned (TV story)"]) Skaro, (TV: Genesis of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Genesis of the Daleks (TV story)"]) Gallifrey, (TV: The Deadly Assassin [+]Loading...["The Deadly Assassin (TV story)"]) Mondas, (TV: The Doctor Falls [+]Loading...["The Doctor Falls (TV story)"]) Askenflatt Minor, (PROSE: The Hero Factor [+]Loading...["The Hero Factor (short story)"]) Crespallion, (TV: The End of the World [+]Loading...["The End of the World (TV story)"]) and the Vinvocci. (TV: The End of Time [+]Loading...["The End of Time (TV story)"])

Microphones were used by singers as early as the 1940s. (TV: The Empty Child [+]Loading...["The Empty Child (TV story)"])

Janis Goblin used a microphone that was seemingly made from a pine cone on a stick. (PROSE: A Message from Janis Goblin [+]Loading...["A Message from Janis Goblin (short story)"], TV: The Church on Ruby Road [+]Loading...["The Church on Ruby Road (TV story)"])