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Operas were a form of musical plays.

The Doctor met opera singer Nellie Melba‎. (TV: The Power of Kroll [+]Loading...["The Power of Kroll (TV story)"])

Romana once dragged the Doctor to an opera in Milan. (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress [+]Loading...["The Scarlet Empress (novel)"])

The opera Il Dottore Va in Viaggio was a dramatisation of one of the Doctor's adventures. (PROSE: Transit [+]Loading...["Transit (novel)"])

Grace Holloway was a fan of opera, particularly Madame Butterfly‎. (TV: Doctor Who [+]Loading...["Doctor Who (TV story)"])

During a visit to London in 1840, the Eighth Doctor hoped to attend the opera Les Huguenots, but it was sold out. (COMIC: The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack [+]Loading...["The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack (comic story)"])

The Eighth Doctor took Sam Jones to an opera performed by silicon-based life-forms on Thurakzima 7. She later listened to the Doctor's recording of Aida while they were travelling to its inaugural performance in Egypt in 1871. (PROSE: The Janus Conjunction [+]Loading...["The Janus Conjunction (novel)"])

The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond attended an opera in Paris in 1858, where they met opera singer Cosette‎. (COMIC: The Screams of Death [+]Loading...["The Screams of Death (comic story)"])

Ultragrossegotterdamerung was an opera, performances of which lasted for over a month. (COMIC: Space Vikings! [+]Loading...["Space Vikings! (comic story)"])

Oswin Oswald was a fan of opera, particularly Carmen. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Asylum of the Daleks (TV story)"])

The March of the Cyborgs was an Agora‎n opera. (PROSE: UNIT Christmas Parties: First Christmas [+]Loading...["UNIT Christmas Parties: First Christmas (short story)"])