First Proliferation

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The origins of life, (PROSE: The Garden of Evil [+]Loading...["The Garden of Evil (novel)"], The Ancestor Cell [+]Loading...["The Ancestor Cell (novel)"]) known as a collective event as the First Proliferation, (PROSE: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead [+]Loading...["The Knight, The Fool and The Dead (novel)"]) were the beginnings of life in the Doctor's universe. Various accounts existed on the relation between the origins of life as a whole and the origin of life on Earth.

The origins of life occurred several billion years after Event One. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse [+]Loading...["Timewyrm: Apocalypse (novel)"]) Some accounts dated this to the Dark Times, (PROSE: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead [+]Loading...["The Knight, The Fool and The Dead (novel)"], GAME: A Brief History of Space and Time [+]Loading...["A Brief History of Space and Time (game)"]) with the Tenth Doctor remembered it as "life's opening lunges from impossible planets circling frozen stars and black suns," before the rise of the Old Ones. By this account, death did not initially exist, only later brought by the Great Task of the Kotturuh. (PROSE: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead [+]Loading...["The Knight, The Fool and The Dead (novel)"])

By some accounts, cosmic beings such as the Guardians, the grey man's race, Mandragora Helix, and Great Old Ones already existed in the universe before the origin of natural life, either having either come from an earlier universe or been created in Event One. (PROSE: A History of the Universe [+]Loading...["A History of the Universe (short story)"])

According to the Olympians, the origin of life was caused when Prometheus stole life spores and spread them across the rest of the universe, creating the first life forms outside of Olympus. Earth may have been among the planets seeded at this time. (COMIC: The Life Bringer! [+]Loading...["The Life Bringer! (comic story)"])

The Sixth Doctor believed that life was deposited in the earliest era of the universe through multi-dimensional wormholes. (PROSE: The Garden of Evil [+]Loading...["The Garden of Evil (novel)"])

The Seventh Doctor believed that all life sprang from primordial soup. (TV: Ghost Light [+]Loading...["Ghost Light (TV story)"])

Greyjan the Sane believed that all life in the universe could be traced back to a single ancestor cell. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell [+]Loading...["The Ancestor Cell (novel)"])

First species[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Xylians were one of the oldest races in the universe. (PROSE: Secret of the Bald Planet [+]Loading...["Secret of the Bald Planet (short story)"])

The Grey Man stated that the first humanoids were the first species of intelligent humanoids to evolve in the universe. The grey man's race watched them evolve. (PROSE: Falls the Shadow [+]Loading...["Falls the Shadow (novel)"])

The Tenth Doctor speculated that the Hond were one of the first species, "the primordial ooze" given sentience, created in constant pain as a result of "the universe not quite knowing what life was like yet." (COMIC: Defender of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Defender of the Daleks (comic story)"])

The Kamishi, also known as the First Race, were another one of the earliest known civilisations. (AUDIO: The Rulers of the Universe [+]Loading...["The Rulers of the Universe (audio story)"])