Oval Office

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Oval Office

The Oval Office in the White House was the main office of the President of the United States, (TV The Impossible Astronaut [+]Loading...["The Impossible Astronaut (TV story)"]) and, later, the President of Earth. (COMIC: Return of the Klytode [+]Loading...["Return of the Klytode (comic story)"])

According to the Eleventh Doctor, it was the highest security office in the United States. (TV The Impossible Astronaut [+]Loading...["The Impossible Astronaut (TV story)"])

The office was oval shaped, and was decorated with paintings, sofas, flags, and a large desk for the president's use. It contained a rug with the seal of the President. (TV The Impossible Astronaut [+]Loading...["The Impossible Astronaut (TV story)"], Extremis [+]Loading...["Extremis (TV story)"])

History[[edit] | edit source]

In 1969, the Eleventh Doctor landed his TARDIS in the Oval Office, where he met President Richard Nixon. On confrontation, the Doctor claimed he was looking for the "Oblong Room". The White House was put on lockdown because of the intruder. The Doctor slipped comfortably into Nixon's chair, claimed to be from Scotland Yard, and with the help of maps, helped explain the mysterious phone calls the President had been getting from a little girl. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut [+]Loading...["The Impossible Astronaut (TV story)"])

In 2011, the Vice President was to introduce the President before he spoke from the Oval Office before the Miracle Rally in Los Angeles. (TV: The Categories of Life [+]Loading...["The Categories of Life (TV story)"])

The President of Earth was based in the White House as of the late 26th century, (AUDIO: Scorpius [+]Loading...["Scorpius (audio story)"], Fear [+]Loading...["Fear (audio story)"], Conversion [+]Loading...["Conversion (Cyberman audio story)"]) and by at least 4041, the current President was based in the Oval Office. (COMIC: Return of the Klytode [+]Loading...["Return of the Klytode (comic story)"])

Other realities[[edit] | edit source]

The Oval Office in the Shadow World (TV: Extremis [+]Loading...["Extremis (TV story)"])

The Oval Office was also used by one US President in a simulated world. After reading the Veritas text, the president committed suicide, discovering he was merely a pawn in an invasion simulation by the Monks. The Twelfth Doctor discovered his recently deceased body in the office, and sat at his desk as he listened to an audio of the same text via a laptop. (TV: Extremis [+]Loading...["Extremis (TV story)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]

In the documentary Doctor Who in America, it was shown how the Oval Office was reconstructed on set for the filming of The Impossible Astronaut [+]Loading...["The Impossible Astronaut (TV story)"]/Day of the Moon [+]Loading...["Day of the Moon (TV story)"], and Matt Smith revealed his wish for President Barack Obama to allow shooting to actually take place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Two different desks appear in the Oval Office in televised Doctor Who. In The Impossible Astronaut, the desk used is a replica of the Wilson desk, which was used by President Nixon in the real world. In Extremis [+]Loading...["Extremis (TV story)"], a replica of the Resolute desk is seen, which has been used by all presidents from Jimmy Carter onward.