Sentinel Island

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Sentinel Island was an island in Britain located on Ley lines. (HOMEVID: Awakening)

Long before it was developed, a Nestene creature was buried here. Centuries later a church was built and then by 1998 the time was right for the creature to awaken.

The Nestene sphere which escaped from the Warehouse two years before arrived, reawakening the Autons who arrived to Sentinel Island. The Vicar (disguised as Senior Archivist Graham Winslet) got the population in the church, and the Autons murdered the resisters.

Eventually, the creature re-awoke and attacked Earth. Lockwood, persuaded by Natasha Alexander, defeated the creature and Winslet reformed to his Auton form.

It was eventually discovered that Lockwood absorbed the creature. (HOMEVID: Auton 2: Sentinel)