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A slingshot was a weapon that launched objects.

A caveman used a slingshot to kill a dinosaur. (COMIC: The Unwilling Traveller)

Brodie destroyed one of the Butler Institute's security cameras by shooting a rock at it with a slingshot given to him by the Seventh Doctor. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Warhead)

In 1988, Ace killed a Cyberman by shooting it with a gold coin fired from a slingshot. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

In 1605, Rory Williams once killed Sontarans by firing marbles at their probic vents. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot)

The Eleventh Doctor once used a slingshot to expose an energy barrier set up by the Silurians. (TV: The Hungry Earth)

The Thirteenth Doctor used one to incapacitate a Sontaran. (TV: War of the Sontarans)

In his time at Coal Hill School, Ian Chesterton had confiscated several slingshots from students. (AUDIO: The Invention of Death)