Tardis:What Tardis Wiki is not

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
(Redirected from T:NOT FANDOM)
Sometimes, the best way to understand a place is to know what it is not.
Advanced Quantum Mechanics.jpg

Tardis Wiki is a collaborative project to create the most definitive, accurate, and accessible encyclopedia and reference database for everything related to Doctor Who. This is a huge mandate. But it's not an infinite one. There are things which this Wiki is not:

Not Wikipedia

We are not Wikipedia, nor are we a simple port of Wikipedia's Doctor Who WikiProject (WP:DW). We do take ideas from both Wikipedia and WP:DW, but we stand quite apart. The biggest difference between us and WP:DW is that we write many of our articles from an in-universe perspective — something that would be strictly forbidden at WP:DW. Read about other differences we have with Wikipedia.

Not corporate-run

One way in which we are more similar to Wikipedia than many comparable fan wikis is that we are no longer a for-profit enterprise. We are fully independent now! We had a long, long association with the company now known as Fandom — having been one of the earliest Wikicities wikis back in 2004 — but we are now independently hosted and committed to keeping this a free, non-ad-riddled resource for Doctor Who fans all over the world.

See our forking announcement for more details!

Not for fan fiction or fan videos

We are not a place to post fan fiction, or fan-produced titles of any kind. As our user page policy states, Doctor Who Fanon Wiki or Doctor Who Expanded are wikis — not affiliated with this site in any way, and indeed hosted elsewhere — where such things may be welcome. Just to be clear, there should be no fan fiction or art posted in any namespace other than ns:2 (User) — and even that must be done in accordance with our user page policy.

As documented at T:VS, we also do not grant real-world coverage to existing fanmade material, however famous, if it was unlicensed. We cannot emphasise enough that authorship or format isn't the issue: we don't cover Gene Genius even though it has Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor in it and looks like a conventional Doctor Who episode (beyond a note at List of fan works in which official actors reprised their roles), whereas we do cover something like Wartime, which many (including its creators) might refer to as a "fan-produced" story.

As far as this Wiki is concerned, a fan video is any video that does not come from the official YouTube channel of the copyright holder or official licensee of the entity that owns the content. This includes both fanfilms and unauthorised uploads of official clips.

Fan videos may not be uploaded at any time since T:VID prohibits you from any video of any kind. In the event that T:VID is modified to allow user uploads, you still may not upload fan videos here, because fan videos will never be not compliant with our video policy.

The administration of the wiki reserves the right to remove fan fiction or art — even from your user page — at any time, for any reason.

This is an encyclopaedia. It is not a place for fan fiction, fan art, or fan videos.

Not a free web host

We aren't your free web host. Users may create a unique user page, but it is not your primary contribution to this Wiki. Thus we are not your personal image or video hosting service. See our user page, user image, and video policies for more information.

Likewise, we are not here to give you somewhere to host your advertisements. Articles considered advertisements include those that are promotions for business, product or articles designed as pieces of public relations to promote an event, individual, company or external blog. Such articles are notable for their sales orientated language, prevalence of external links to a commercial website and are written to promote the product, service or event in favourable manner. Such articles will be summarily deleted.

Not safe for work

There is a mistaken belief that because we're covering Doctor Who, we are therefore, of necessity, a "safe for work" or "family friendly" site. However, we make no guarantee that the images and articles on this site will be 100% "safe for work". This is because the Doctor Who universe is not a 100% "safe for work" creation. People have sex in the DWU, which has been filmed somewhat graphically on occasion. People curse in the DWU — especially within the Virgin New Adventures series. We absolutely will not sweep this under the rug in the name of "family friendliness".

Importantly, it is not possible to completely delete vandalism which occurs on this site. Many page histories contain objectionable language. The software underpinning this site really only allows us to hide vandalism. All users can find vandalism on pages that still exist, if they dig a bit. And deleting a page really only hides the page from users; it still exists in a way that's easily viewable by admin. And if the title itself contained "bad" language. it's possible for users to stumble across it in publicly viewable deletion logs.

Thus we both cannot and will not ever be an absolutely "safe for work", family-friendly website. In the words of former Doctor Who script editor, Douglas Adams, we are at best "mostly harmless".

Be aware, too, that the Related Videos Module allows us to place video onto individual pages. In some cases, we may put up short video on pages about DWU actors which demonstrates their work broader careers. Such video may come from works that are not aimed at the same target audience as Doctor Who, and may contain strong language, graphic violence, sexual situations, and/or depictions of drug, alcohol or tobacco use.

Again, we make no guarantee whatsoever that any imagery, moving or still, which you encounter on this site will be safe for work, safe for children, or in any way, well, safe. We only try to make such imagery relevant to the articles on which they are placed.

That said, we will not allow sexual or violent imagery which has absolutely nothing to do with the DWU or the people who make the DWU. Not only are we not a free web host, we are definitely not a free web host for porn.

Moreover, we are bound by Fandom's Terms of Use, which state:

You agree not to: [...] Post, link or transmit any written, visual, or symbolic content that is obscene, pornographic, abusive, offensive, profane, or otherwise violates any law or right of any third party, or encourages criminal conduct, or contains slurs, hate speech, dog whistles, and/or incitement of violence.Fandom's Terms of Use

Not a general message board

This Wiki provides its community with several forums and discussion areas, including personal user talk areas. However, these areas should be used for discussions specifically relating to the editing and creation of this site. In particular forum and article talk pages should be focused on the title of subject of the talk or forum pages, as is covered in more detailed in our discussion policy. Personal attacks against other users in these discussion areas shall not be tolerated.