Talk:En Sentac

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Time Lord?[[edit source]]

I can't tell if I've missed something painfully obvious, but how exactly do we know En Sentac is a Time Lord? I can't remember any line of dialogue saying such, and we don't even know for a fact the Division was totally comprised of Time Lords given Karvanista clearly has some connections. Would like some clarification on this please. StevieGLiverpool 23:16, 1 November 2021 (UTC)

Not only is she "in charge" of the Division mission, she is noted to be several millennia old, and after draining her life force, Swarm uses it to regenerate. I appreciate the scruple (note that I kept to such uncertainty at K-Toscs), but I don't think it applies to En Sentac — if it quacks like a Shobogan… Scrooge MacDuck 23:20, 1 November 2021 (UTC)
I wholeheatedly disagree with this assesment, given that sucseeding chapers showcase the Division as having splintered from Gallifrey and recruited members of all speciea in the known universe, I believe that En Sentac should be listed as an being of an unkown species. After all, many species "quack like a Shobogan", but it doesn't mean that they are.BananaClownMan 10:22, 29 November 2021 (UTC)
I 100% agree with BCM here. And this is why we usually take an abundance of caution when covering ongoing story or series, a sensible approach which has been decidedly lacking during the coverage of this season... (See: Soto's edit summary on 'O' from between Parts 1 & 2 of Spyfall, for an example) Danochy 09:47, 30 November 2021 (UTC)
I'm of course willing to reconsider the original rationale above, but I reject the accusation that it was "rash" in a sense of failing to account for later episodes. The idea that the Division might recruit other species has been around since Halloween Apocalypse itself (hello!), and instead was the grounds for my not being willing to categorise K-Toscs as a Time Lord, unlike En Sentac. The question is whether "agent of an organisation known to employ Time Lords, who is thousands of years old and whose absorbed life-force allows someone to regenerate" constitutes sufficient telegraphing that En Sentac specifically is a Time Lord, not whether Division agents are necessarily Time Lords in the abstract. Scrooge MacDuck 14:07, 30 November 2021 (UTC)