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The Timeless Children[[edit source]]

What's the evidence for the Judoon Captain in The Timeless Children definitively being Pol-Kon-Don?
× SOTO (//) 08:44, March 2, 2020 (UTC)

The blind right eye. And it's never stated how long it takes for a Judoon horn to grow out. Also, didn't this Judoon have a mohawk style hair like Pol-Kon-Don? --DCLM 09:24, March 2, 2020 (UTC)
I don't think there's enough explicit evidence to say with certainty that this was PKD. - UtherSRG 06:33, March 5, 2020 (UTC)
Surely two and two put together can be used here. Pol-Kon-Don was the only Judoon ever to be seen with a blind eye and Mohawk, and that is exactly the same appearance for this Judoon. And an unknown amount of time has passed between stories Fugitive and Timeless, which can make up for the horn being back. And both were looking for the "fugitive" known as "the Doctor". Surely that's enough proof. --DCLM 06:45, March 5, 2020 (UTC)
It's Doctor Who and it's a big universe. At this point it still sounds like speculation. Shambala108 14:12, March 5, 2020 (UTC)
Doesn't sound like speculation to me. Exact same appearance. Exact same motivation. So what you're proposing is that two completely identical Judoon are two different Judoon. --DCLM 08:37, March 6, 2020 (UTC)
Just wait until next series. We don't know for certain. You are probably correct, but maybe you are wrong. Maybe it's PKD's child. Maybe Judoon have genelines like Silurians. We don't *know*, we only *suspect*. So it's speculation. - UtherSRG 17:36, March 7, 2020 (UTC)
It does seem like speculation now that the scripts have been released. In Fugitive, Pol-Kon-Don is the referenced speaker and its mentioned that they are a "she". But in the Timeless Children the Judoon lines are from "Judoon Captain", the Judoon is mentioned to be a "he" and his horn is intact. DiSoRiEnTeD1 11:36, May 13, 2020 (UTC)