Talk:Rassilon Imprimatur

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Time Travel without the Rassilon Imprimatur?[[edit source]]

Since this special characteristic is supposed to be available for/in Time Lords only, at last I understand it like that, how is it possible that other being - like humans for example - seem to be able to time-travel without any ill-effects? Of course, as far as I know, we haven't seen any other species than the Time Lords travelling through time and space regularly and obviously with ease, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Usually it's an extraordinary experience for other beings. I mean, none of the human companions of the Doctor might have been with him long enough to show any ill-effects. Please, can somebody tell me where I might find more information about it? After all it would be interesting what time-travel means when one doesn't have the Rassilon Imprimatur.

Treelight 18:16, 10 February 2008 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure that they were saying that a Time Lord needs the Rassilon Imprimatur for him to prime the Tardis. I suspect this is based around the psychic-link-thingy that Time Lords have with their Tardis. The Rassilon Imprimatur would just be used to connect to a Tardis. After it's primed, I think anyone can use the Tardis. I suspect time machines made by another species could be used without a Rassilon Imprimatur (I doubt they would design it like that).
I'm not entirely sure though. It's been a while since I've seen The Two Doctors, and technobabble has never been one of my strong suits. -<Azes13 18:27, 10 February 2008 (UTC)>-

Behind the scenes[[edit source]]

The only mention of the Rassilon Imprimatur on-screen was in The Two Doctors. Due to the nature of the scene it is unclear whether the Doctor is honestly describing an actual technical requirement of the Kartz-Reimer module, or lying to ensure Stike forcing him to "prime" the module (and granting him the opportunity to covertly sabotage it.)

Spinoff mentions of the Rassilon Imprimatur have generally assumed the Doctor's statement to have been entirely true, and treated the concept thusly.

I removed the above behind the scenes section as it seemed somewhat speculative. I think without further sources that confirm that this was the intention of the statement it shouldn't be on the article. --Tangerineduel / talk 16:19, January 21, 2012 (UTC)
Besides anything, it's actually not unclear. Within the context of The Two Doctors, the Doctor IS unambiguously lying. In Part Three, he has exchange with Jamie.
Sixth Doctor: I thought Stike would have acted by now.
Peri: How?
Sixth Doctor: I mean, he has a functioning time machine. I would expect him to try and kill both Chessene and Dastari before he leaves, so why isn't my plan working?
Jamie: Your plan?
Sixth Doctor: Jamie, you don't think someone of Stike's build can sneak up behind me without my hearing him, do you?
Jamie: You knew he was there?
Sixth Doctor: That's why I said what I did. None of it was strictly true, but he believed it because I was talking to you.
Jamie: But the machine worked. I saw it.
Sixth Doctor: Oh yes, it worked for me, but it won't work for him because I have the briode nebuliser.
i.e. He HAS sabotaged it. -- Tybort (talk page)

Symbiotic nuclei[[edit source]]

Removing this bit:

When a Gallifreyan was granted the rank of Junior Time Lord in the Time Lord Academy, they received their symbiotic nuclei. (PROSE: Interference - Book One)

For one, the page for symbiotic nucleus exists elsewhere, but two, the only part of The Two Doctors which comes close to linking the Rassilon Imprimatur and the symbiotic nucleus is a scene where the Doctor is lying (as pointed out above in this talk page) to Stike about the Rassilon Imprimatur being "a kind of symbiotic print within the physiology of a Time Lord". So if Interference does make this link clear, the passage as written does not. -- Tybort (talk page) 17:02, July 24, 2017 (UTC)

Very smart. I've amended the page with some less speculative info from Interference. NateBumber 20:50, July 24, 2017 (UTC)