Talk:The Pandorica Opens

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I saw this page was redirected to the talk page of the episode The Pandorica Opens. Because there's a seperate page for the painting I thought it also deserved it's own talk page so I removed the redirect. --CGW 14:02, June 25, 2010 (UTC)

I'm don't know if it should be edited into the article but the short story "The War of Art" that is the prize from Amy's History Hunt on refers to the painting as "Blue Box Exploding" and indicates it leaves the Doctor's possesion during Pandorica Opens/Big Bang and he comes to own it again sometime after that. Why the paintings name changed is beyond me. Deepbluesky 07:40, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

It makes absolutely no sense for this article, "The Pandorica Opens", to be about the painting rather than the TV episode. Ideally, this should be at "The Pandorica Opens (painting)". I made this change, but it was reverted. We need a consensus. Porlob 02:59, September 8, 2010 (UTC)

  • It was discussed at length and agreed not to call it The Pandorica Opens (Painting). It is much easier to have The Pandorica Opens (TV story) which fits in with the rest, rather than having The Pandorica Opens (Painting). Unless you'd like to also argue the case that Dalek (TV story) should simply be Dalek, and Dalek be changed to Dalek (Species), then the point is basically moot as we try to keep some sort of formatting in naming the pages. --The Thirteenth Doctor 08:37, September 8, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks. New to Born in Texas so English is not my first language. I offer you a translation of the Latin on the door. "es Vere eris" "XXI Januarius CII" I read as " You will truly be (on) 21 January 102". Google Translate more or less agrees with me. An alternate translation of "es Vere eris" could be "Surely you will be (on) 21 January 102". 23:55, November 22, 2012