Tardis:Permission to use Big Finish trailers

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

Permission to use Big Finish trailers on this site was obtained on 14 Februrary 2013, following a brief email exchange with Paul Spragg. Following is a plain text version of that exchange:

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013
Subject: Use of trailers at tardis.wikia.com
From: Doctor Who Wiki <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Hi all :)
We've recently been doing another round of improvement of our Big Finish-related articles at tardis.wikia.com, and we've come to a question of legality that only you can resolve.
On the theory that it was fair use to use a thing intended to be an advertisement *as* an advertisement, we started putting your unedited official trailers for each audio play onto each play's page. See the bottom of the infobox at *Phantasmagoria <http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Phantasmagoria_(audio_story)>* for an example. Then it was pointed out that the fourth provision of your website's terms of use could be construed to specifically prohibit this sort of thing.
For clarity, what we're doing is downloading your official trailers, converting them to .ogg (since MediaWiki software doesn't accept .mp3), uploading them without expurgation to the wikia.com servers, attaching this copyright warning <http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Template%3ABF_trailer>, and then placing them on the relevant story page. Aside from the .ogg conversion, the only change we've made to the file is to slightly change the names so that they more precisely match the actual name of the play. Your naming convention is something like *The-roof-of-the-world-XXX.mp3*. We convert to *The Roof of the World.ogg.*
Is this a fair use of your materials, or have we crossed the line?

And the response:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013, Enquiries <[email protected]> wrote:
No, that's absolutely fine. We made the trailers downloadable in the hope they'd spread as far and wide as possible, so do with them what you will.
Paul Spragg
Big Finish