Template:Qotw topic

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Instructions for {{Qotw topic}}
{{qotw}} is for the easy placement of topics on the page, Quote of the Week nominations. This template reduces the burden of entering a new topic to a few keystrokes — instead of cutting, pasting and altering each individual topic.


The following variables are recognized by the template:

(if disambiguated, we want the disambiguation showing
for clarity)

person   = topic is person
story    = topic is story

thing    = topic is something other than a person or story. 
              (Not linked, because pluralisation often 
               grammatically desirable.)
more     = something allowed with all of the above variables
                (it lets you tag a bit more info onto a
                message for clarification)
freeform  = allows totally freeform message


The basic usage for this template is:

or, if addendum is required

Let's now go through the various messages displayed when the above variables are employed.


If you type:


You'll get:

David Tennant: By the time the listeners hear this we will be only a couple of days away from the very final episode that we were both involved in.
Russell T Davies: The bitter end.
DT: The bitter, bitter end.
RTD: That's what I wanted to call it. (laughing) Imagine an episode called The Bitter End or Carried Out Screaming.
AUDIO: Who on Who?


If you type:

{{qotw|story=The End of Time (TV story)}}

You'll get:

David Tennant: By the time the listeners hear this we will be only a couple of days away from the very final episode that we were both involved in.
Russell T Davies: The bitter end.
DT: The bitter, bitter end.
RTD: That's what I wanted to call it. (laughing) Imagine an episode called The Bitter End or Carried Out Screaming.
AUDIO: Who on Who?

Note here that we'd want the disambiguation showing, because it makes it crystal clear that we're talking about the David Tennant swansong, and not a book in The Darksmith Legacy series.


If you type:


You'll get:

David Tennant: By the time the listeners hear this we will be only a couple of days away from the very final episode that we were both involved in.
Russell T Davies: The bitter end.
DT: The bitter, bitter end.
RTD: That's what I wanted to call it. (laughing) Imagine an episode called The Bitter End or Carried Out Screaming.
AUDIO: Who on Who?


Let's say that you wanted to be a bit more specific. Then you would use:

{{qotw|thing=[[hospital]]s|more=Your quote must involve the opinion of a [[nurse]].}}
David Tennant: By the time the listeners hear this we will be only a couple of days away from the very final episode that we were both involved in.
Russell T Davies: The bitter end.
DT: The bitter, bitter end.
RTD: That's what I wanted to call it. (laughing) Imagine an episode called The Bitter End or Carried Out Screaming.
AUDIO: Who on Who?

More can be used with any of the message types, except for freeform.


The freeform variable is for when you can't express your topic in terms of one of the above messages. Its usage would be fairly rare, because you can add the more variable to any of the above messages to improve their flexibility. However, when you just can't make your topic fit the above molds, this is your variable. Note that a freeform message doesn't accept the more variable, and that it automatically includes the "valid sources" line. If you type:

{{qotw|freeform=I honestly can't think of a time you'd ''need'' to use it, but it's here if you want it.}}

You'll get:

David Tennant: By the time the listeners hear this we will be only a couple of days away from the very final episode that we were both involved in.
Russell T Davies: The bitter end.
DT: The bitter, bitter end.
RTD: That's what I wanted to call it. (laughing) Imagine an episode called The Bitter End or Carried Out Screaming.
AUDIO: Who on Who?