Temporary Solutions
Temporary Solutions was a temp agency staffed by temporary people with limited lifespans and an understanding of the work they carried out. They were created with technology salvaged from the Brett Archive by Blind Summit. Employees of the company's programming could be recognized by their inability to merely say "Temporary Solutions" instead of "Temporary Solutions: For Temps You Can Trust!" With great difficulty, Stacey Newman was able to eventually overcome this.
The firm was employed by the British government to digitise their old data without knowing or caring about what they were doing. There were dozens of dummy offices dedicated to this task, including XXX and HQP. Yvonne Hartman and Ianto Jones later took them and WOTAN down. It was headed by an imperfect clone of Yvonne called Elaine Hartwell. (AUDIO: 9 to 5)
Later, the organization was somehow under the operation of Yvonne's Pete's World Counterpart. (AUDIO: How I Conquered The World) When Torchwood Three were public enemies and deemed a terrorist organization, Yvonne used the temping agency as a front to assign the split up team missions. (AUDIO: Pariahs) She eventually regrouped them in a Temporary Solutions office in Cardiff - where the temps knew not to ask questions about what she was doing. (AUDIO: How I Conquered The World)