The Calendar 1986

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The Calendar 1986 was a Doctor Who calendar released in 1985 for the year 1986.

Credits[[edit] | [edit source]]

Months[[edit] | [edit source]]

Artwork Month Title Description
January Cybermen.jpg January Cybermen The Cyberleader surveys the barren landscape of the Death Zone on Gallifrey, anticipating the downfall of the Time Lords. But even these emotionless and ruthless beings are mere pawns in this particular game.
February The Sixth Doctor.jpg February The Sixth Doctor The Doctor in his latest colourful regeneration looks confidently to his future — and his past — lying as it does amongst the stars and mysteries of the universe.
March The Tardis in the Matrix.jpg March The Tardis in the Matrix The Doctor's Tardis (his constant companion and method of time travel) hovers amidst the Matrix wherein lies the complete knowledge and power of Gallifrey accessible only to the President.
April Davros.jpg April Davros Obsessed with a desire to genetically engineer his creation, the Daleks, to a state of utter perfection, Davros sits poised to unleash yet further evil upon an unsuspecting populace. He, the arch scientist of Skaro, must survive, must succeed...!
May The Dark Tower of Gallifrey.jpg May The Dark Tower of Gallifrey The Dark Tower wherein lies the tomb of Rassilon. First of the Time Lords, rises ominously from the Death Zone, cast into near silhouette by the Callifreyan sunset. It provides the location for the gripping end of The Five Doctors saga.
June The Fifth Doctor.jpg June The Fifth Doctor The youngest regeneration of the Doctor, he gazes with a mixture of innocence and confidence across a universe where not all its inhabitants share his concern for justice and a better future for all.
July The Gravis Frontios.jpg July The Gravis: Frontios Pictured here against the cursed planet of Frontios under meteorite bombardment, the Gravis, leader of the Tractators (a race occupying the planet) made a futile bid to control both the planet and the fifth Doctor's Tardis.
August The Raston Warrior Robot.jpg August The Raston Warrior Robot A killing machine of complete perfection it sends a javelin-like weapon flashing through the air. With built-in armaments and sensors to detect any movement it is about to destroy an entire Cyber patrol in mere seconds as they attempt to advance on the Dark Tower of Gallifrey.
September The Tomb of the Cybermen.jpg September The Tomb of the Cybermen From the story of the same name, this ice covered symbol is instantly recognised as belonging to those ancient enemies of the universe, the Cybermen. Above lie their frozen forms awaiting a series of events that will revive them to once more conquer and convert.
October The Fourth Doctor.jpg October The Fourth Doctor With his eccentric flamboyance and an infectious grin that would warm the very heart of the coldest galaxy, he is probably the best remembered regeneration of the Doctor. His concern with the most trivial of items at a moment of extreme danger can best be recalled by the mention of a single obscure terrestial [sic] sweet — jelly babies!
November The Giant Robot.jpg November The Giant Robot The first challenge to face the fourth Doctor was a hapless robotic invention misused by its maker. Distorted in size and mind it went out of control bent on destruction and had to be destroyed by the reluctant Doctor.
December Dalek Destruction.jpg December Dalek Destruction A Dalek, hideous in its final moments, is torn apart in a blistering burst of flame. A single entity of this cruel race faced by the Doctor in all his regenerations has met its match. This particular scarf has made the Dalek too warm — dangerously warm...

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Cybermen and The Dark Tower of Gallifrey are from a poster included with DWM 87.
  • The Gravis: Frontios was used on the cover of Frontios
  • The Fourth Doctor was used on the cover of DWM 107.