Theory:Doctor Who television discontinuity and plot holes/Death to the Daleks

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This page is for discussing the ways in which Death to the Daleks doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

Remember, this is a forum, so civil discussion is encouraged. However, please do not sign your posts. Also, keep all posts about the same continuity error under the same bullet point. You can add a new point by typing:

* This is point one.
::This is a counter-argument to point one.
:::This is a counter-argument to the counter-argument above
* This is point two.
::Explanation of point two.
::Further discussion and query of point two.

... and so on. 
  • What happened to the Exxilon in the TARDIS after Sarah knocks it out?
There is no reason to assume it would have stayed in there once it regained consciousness.
  • A Dalek is killed by the freezing lake, but it apparently has no effect on humanoid tissue.
The Dalek also fell off a cliff prior to hitting the lake.
Also, the freezing lake may only affect the machine elements of the Dalek, including the Dalek's life support system.
  • How did the Daleks complete the puzzles in the city, which are mostly touch based, when touching is supposedly the one thing a Dalek can't do?
Daleks do come with attachments just for these situations, or perhaps got one of the Exxilons to do it for them.
  • How does the Dalek voice synthesizer and flashing dome lights operate with the power drain in effect? The same psycho-kinetic power they use to move also?
Sure, why not?
  • Four Daleks exit the ship at the end of part one - and all agree to go with the Humans. But later, when they are attacked by the Exillons, they blow up one and take two to the prison - what happened to the fourth?
It returned to the Dalek's ship and reported what had happened.
  • Effervescent water - as described at the start of the first episode - would not give the illusion of additional buoyancy to a swimmer as The Doctor claims. For the bubbles to rise they would need to be less dense than water, and their presence would therefore reduce the overall density of the liquid. This would make Sarah Jane more likely to sink, not more likely to float.
Depending on the nature of the effervescence, the pressure of the gas bubbles rising would be enough to support a swimmer.
Mythbusters have been at this one, and determined that the upward current of the bubbles would indeed counteract the lack of density (though whether that would actually translate to additional buoyancy is another matter).
Maybe the doctor told her that the bubbles would make her rise to make her feel better.
  • In Asylum of the Daleks, it is mentioned that a dalek survived this story. However, two daleks are trapped in the city and and the rest are blown up in the spaceship. So there can't have been any survivors
Pure speculation of course, but it would make sense if one of the daleks trapped in the city were to lose its sanity through the experience, especially if it witnessed the destruction of the other. Irreparably damaged, it could have been rescued later on and deposited in the asylum.

  • The antibodies are different heights.
I'd always assumed one was created as a hideous zombie version of the Doctor, and one for Bellal, the city deeming this most appropriately creepy way of disposing of them, or absorbing them, or integrating them into the controls, or whatever it actually planned to do to them before the Daleks ironically rescued them and made sure we will never really know what the hell was going on in there.