Theory:SJA television discontinuity and plot holes/The Vault of Secrets

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This page is for discussing the ways in which The Vault of Secrets doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

Remember, this is a forum, so civil discussion is encouraged. However, please do not sign your posts. Also, keep all posts about the same continuity error under the same bullet point. You can add a new point by typing:

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* This is point two.
::Explanation of point two.
::Further discussion and query of point two.

... and so on. 
  • How did Androvax escape the Judoon?
He's a master criminal with the ability to possess the body of others. It's doubtful the Judoon could keep him there if he was determined enough.
  • Why was Androvax simply placed into prison? The Judoon executed a Plasmavore on the spot for taking a single life, yet Androvax, destroyer of over 14 planets, was sentenced to imprisonment rather than execution.
It could be that the Shadow Proclamation has laws against executing the last of a species.
But he wasn't the last Veil as explained later in the story.
That information came to light after Androvax's sentence. Even then, the Judoon did not know.
Also, the Judoon were working for Padrivole Regency 9, who would likely have different rules to the Shadow Proclamation, much like how different countries have different laws for the same crimes.
  • Mister Dread had White/Blonde hair in Dreamland but this Mister Dread has brown hair.
Over forty years have passed. It's safe to assume some modification took place.
The Mister Dread from Dreamland was destroyed so the one in this episode is likely a replacement.
  • The guns in Dreamland fold out in the right arm but the guns here have the hand pop off to reveal the gun which comes out of the left hand.
These are likely different, more advanced Men in Black that have been altered.
  • In Dreamland there are 4 members of the Men in Black but here there are only 3.
It was said in Dreamland that most of the androids were deactivated.
  • All of the Men in Black members are immune to Sarah Jane's sonic lipstick, yet in Dreamland they are not immune to the Doctor's sonic screwdriver.
It's possible that the Doctor's screwdriver is more powerfull, and such was able to break through that force field we see them using to protect themselves.
They were most probably modified so that sonic devices did not work on them.
They're not. Sarah soniced them in her first meeting to stall them. They then quickly fixed themselves and followed.
No they didn't they paused for a moment while there shield went up, and before they could continue she had already stopped using it and ran off.
  • The Men in Black's laser blasters did barely anything to the walls that they hit when missing, so how come later when they fire upon each other they completely destroy one another.
Many weapons have different intensity settings.