Theory:Torchwood television discontinuity and plot holes/Day One

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This page is for discussing the ways in which Day One doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

Remember, this is a forum, so civil discussion is encouraged. However, please do not sign your posts. Also, keep all posts about the same continuity error under the same bullet point. You can add a new point by typing:

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* This is point two.
::Explanation of point two.
::Further discussion and query of point two.

... and so on. 
  • As Matt dissolves to dust, Carys' legs disappear under the knee.
It's just the particles of the guy that makes her legs hard to see. If you look closely you can still see them.
  • Jack teaches Gwen how to shoot firearms, and she displays clear unfamiliarity with guns, yet she's a trained police officer who presumably should know how to do this.
In the UK, not all police officers undergo the same sort of firearms training received by cops in the US and elsewhere. In fact it was only relatively recently that London "bobbies" were even allowed to be armed.
This is explained in the story. Jack queried in surprise about her being in the police. And Gwen explains why she never needed a gun. PS: The actual training only takes place next episode.
  • In the scene when Carys is raping the men at the clinic, in a small clip, one says he is gay, meaning he - in theory - he would not be aroused by Carys. Despite of this, when Torchwood arrive, all the men are dust.
The pheromones are overwhelming; after all, they were able to affect the normally-straight Gwen Cooper.
  • When Jack is ordering for a dead body to be mutilated, and made to look like it committed suicide, two legs are seen sticking up from the bin in on right hand side. The legs seem too 'fleshy' to be plastic, and - strangely - Jack and no one else notices them. Irony may also creep in here, since a possible dead body, is actually next to him.
Looking back back through the episode, and during the CCTV footage of Carys in the alley outside the club when the alien approaches her (invisible on the screen), if you look past her, you can see mannequins. It's likely that the place next to the club is a clothing store, and they just dump broken mannequins in the alley.
  • Carys knocks out the receptionist, she isn't seen again when Torchwood arrives.
She may have been still unconscious (or dead), and the scene is shot in such a way that a portion of Torchwood could have dealt with her off-camera.
Consider how much time had passed. If the receptionist was only knocked out for a short while, she might have seen some of what Carys was doing; and would almost certainly run or hide. She could quite easily have done so in any case.
  • Remember when the hormone gas affect Gwen Cooper. And the making out. Many women mighta been phase about their cleavage shown and be afraid. But zero Gwen. How was she so calm with it all? And how come she was zero angry with Carys? And which do you think she'd say if Rose, Martha, Ace, or Clara praised her bravery in such a weird moment?