Time stream

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Furthermore, many examples of time streams on this page would be better covered on personal timeline, with primarily only documentation of the concept in general on this page.,

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The time stream was the pathway for the movement of time, usually in relation to individual peoples or planets. The Eleventh Doctor once used "time stream" and "timeline" as synonyms. (TV: The Name of the Doctor) The personal time streams of individuals were known as life-streams. The Time Lords were capable of throwing life-streams into reverse such that an individual would cease to have ever existed. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons)

Characteristics[[edit] | [edit source]]

The term "time stream" was used interchangeably with other terminology such as timeline, (AUDIO: Reborn) time track, (AUDIO: Disassembled) parallel universe, and reality. (AUDIO: Forever)

Time streams formed possible futures, as the sigil ring allowed Ruath to change time streams and visit the future Earth ruled by Haemovores. (PROSE: Goth Opera)

The Grey Man plucked the Doctor's TARDIS from the time streams, meaning that the Time Vortex was composed of time streams in addition to time winds. (PROSE: Falls the Shadow) Nyssa explained that the Fifth Doctor travelled the time streams, in addition to moving from planet to planet. (AUDIO: Hexagora)

When concerned about changing history and erasing themselves, the Monk informed Vicki Pallister and Steven Taylor that they were safe as long as they stayed away from their native time streams, meaning they existed as temporal anomalies. (AUDIO: The Secret History)

Disruptions in the quantum equaliser of Space-Time Manipulators had the potential to open up time streams which could cause temporal displacements. For instance, while Alistair Gryffen was working on the quantum equaliser, a sudden power surge caused a time stream which displaced Jorjie Turner from 2050 to November 1963 (TV: The Cambridge Spy)

Individuals[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor[[edit] | [edit source]]

Main article: The Doctor's time stream

The Second Doctor wouldn't risk re-entering the time stream with the time rotor dismantled. (PROSE: The Nameless City)

At one point when the Third Doctor was attempting to repair his TARDIS, he saw a brief appearance of different versions of himself and Jo Grant, and when they disappeared he told Jo they had gone "back into their own time stream". (TV: Day of the Daleks)

During the First Omega Crisis, Lord President Pandad IV, despite the objections of High Chancellor Socra, had the Second and First Doctors extracted from their respective sections of the time stream to aid the Third Doctor against Omega. (TV: The Three Doctors)

Using a Time Scoop, Lord President Borusa took the first four incarnations of the Doctor and several of their companions out of their respective time streams to the Death Zone on Gallifrey in order to play the Game of Rassilon on his behalf. In the case of the Fourth Doctor and Romana II, the attempt to lift them from the time stream was unsuccessful and so they were trapped in a time eddy until the crisis was resolved. (TV: The Five Doctors)

The Seventh Doctor, when considering whether to let Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart discover time travel in the 22nd century or not, thought his interference could do things to the timestream that "even a Dalek would think twice about". (PROSE: Transit)

During the crash of the Byzanitum, River Song acknowledged whilst speaking with Father Octavian that she was dealing with the Eleventh Doctor at an earlier point in his time stream, before he learnt exactly who she was. (TV: The Time of Angels)

During Big Bang Two, the Eleventh Doctor experienced his time stream "unraveling, erasing" and "closing" as he observed himself in the past. (TV: The Big Bang)

While awaiting his death at Lake Silencio, the Eleventh Doctor had the Teselecta send letters to Amy Pond and Rory Williams, River Song, Canton Everett Delaware III, and a younger version of himself. He explained that to deliver the messages himself, it would involve crossing his own time stream, "best not", he remarked. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

The Doctor's time stream appeared as an open wound in the fabric of reality inside the ruins of the Doctor's TARDIS in the future on Trenzalore, where the Doctor was buried. The Great Intelligence, in the form of Walter Simeon, arrived on Trenzalore, accompanied by faceless humanoids called the Whisper Men, whom he used to bring several of the Eleventh Doctor's friends there to draw him out so he could invade his time stream, turning all of his victories into defeats and having his ultimate revenge. He did so by directly entering his time stream inside the ruined future TARDIS. However, this plan was foiled by Clara Oswald, who followed the Great Intelligence through the wound. Just as he was, she was ripped into countless versions of herself throughout history and saved the Doctor countless times throughout his incarnations. The original Clara then found herself in a wasteland inhabited by various Doctors. The Eleventh Doctor entered the time stream and was able to extract her, though she saw an unknown incarnation. (TV: The Name of the Doctor)

The Twelfth Doctor, attempting to return to the Drum in 2111 from Краснодар in 1980, found himself half an hour back in time. Watching his earlier self arrive, the Doctor observed to Mason Bennett that he was now locked in his own time stream and so the TARDIS would not let him leave. As such, they had to stay out of sight before time caught up. (TV: Before the Flood)

Species[[edit] | [edit source]]