Time Proles

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The Time Proles interpretation of Lesser Time Elemental society was a Meta-Historical theory which put forward that, outside the Cathedral of Time prior to the Cosmic Revolution, the Elemental oligarchy ruled over a caste of "powerless, mortal serfs" who supported them.

This interpretation was supported in G. Russell's 1999 book Divided Loyalties. However, Dr Olivia Kagg Waldermein, in her 2323 work Love & War: A Meta-Historical Investigation of the Dawn of the Cosmic Revolution, strongly criticised Russell and argued that supporters of this interpretation "may have centuries of tried and tested sociological theory on their side, not to mention Occam's Razor", but that "what they have never possessed is a shred of proof," and argued that "one must imagine [the Elementals] were rather above the dialectics of labour and capital as we understand the terms," as they were "elemental forces with the powers of gods". (PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"])